Amelia - Chapter 12

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Amelia - Chapter 12

I woke up to... ZANDER! In my bed! Aww he looks cute when he sleeps with his messy hair and perfect angels face! Oh I'm turning into an obsessive girl! My thoughts went back to last night when me and Zander made out for eternity... Okay it was like a couple hours or so... But it was pretty hot I mean there was ear nibbling and removing of tops and dresses... Then when we got in the bed it kinda stopped, we both knew it wasn't time so in the end I was snuggled up in Zander's arms as he told me about his mum and dad (who are both dead) and how his uncle is meant to look after him but really Zander is another annoying person to look after (Leo was classed as annoying and got shipped off to some English boarding school (found out why the English accent)) so basically his uncle is a top wanker!

"OHMYGOSH! AMELIAAAAAAAA!" My Mum barge through the door screaming "OHMYGOD! ARE YOU BOTH NAKED!?" Oh yeah I was wearing a strapless bra... "AMELIA JONES! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY!? OHMYDEARGOD!" Zander now sat up in a daze

"What the he- uh oh..."

"Mum calm down! I'm still a virgin! We were umm just having a sleepover!" Nice save! Mental happy skip!

"What naked?" Mum raised an eyebrow

"Actually we are both in underwear as we are both teenagers that can sleep in the same bed and not have sex, so if you don't mind, GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" I guess you could call mine and mums relationship very open...

"Oh but OHMYGOD I KNOW WHY I CAME IN HERE!! LOOK!" She screamed holding out her left hand OHMYGOD HE DID IT!! I pulled mums hand closer to inspect the ring and screamed with her! I jumped out the bed and hugged her then we both screamed, hugged and jumped at the same time!

"I'm not being funny but... What are you two doing?" D said as he walked through the door

"You did itttttttttt!" I ran at D and jump hugged him... Then realised I was semi naked...

"Yeah! As soon as you gave the ok!" He didn't even flutter an eyelid at my nakedness, this whole father daughter thing will work great I think! "Hey, what's HE doing in your bed? NAKED!" He yelled at Zander who now looked scared!

"Dave, its fine she's still innocent! Anyway now iv told Am want to go celebrate" she winked at D

"EWWWWWWWWW parent sex! Get out of my room!" I shoved them back into their bedroom closing the door.

"You and your mom... Wow." Zander said as he rolled back over in my bed

"Hey! Don't think you’re going back to sleep!" I ran and jumped on the bed

"Liaaa! It’s like 11 in the morning! Let me have a few more hours!" Zander whined from under the covers, hmm new plan... Ah ha

"That's a shame... I was looking forward to a morning kiss... Guess I’ll have -" I'm a genius! I let my lips go free with Zander's. How does he not have morning breath!? Shit I have morning breath!? I pulled out the kiss

"Hey what!?" Zander said annoyed

"Ill be back!" I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth in recorded time before jumping back into Zander's arms

"You didn't have morning breath by the way, you tasted fine!" So now he tells me!?

"Whatever" as I press my lips back to his

"Well isn't it the two love birds!" Harry shouted as me and Zander approached the rest of the boys

"Love birds!? Mils! What about me? Your husband? We even have a kid together!" Cole said in mock shock!

"What!?" Zander sounded shocked

"Its nothing! Sorry husband... Its divorce time! I found someone better!" I hip bumped Zander

"Hey since it’s the 2nd to last night everyone fancy going to the club?" Cole said

"Yeeeeeey!" I agreed

"Try handle your drink this time" Leo snickered I walked over and punched his arm as hard as I could

"Ow! That actually hurt! What was that for!?"

"Calling me a slut!"

"Dude you called her a slut? Low blow! You’re not a slut Millie!" He said pulling me into a hug "me and you need to talk!" He whispered in my ear I nodded

"Anyone want a drink?"




"Whatever their having"

"Want me to help?"

"Sure H!"

As soon as we were out of ear shot "well spill!!"

"Basically we had this argument, then I pushed him over the railing which ended up being a paddling pool, then he said sorry, we made out, went back to my room an-"

"HE WENT BACK TO YOUR ROOM! My my! May have to take that slut comment back!"

"Hey! Nothing happened! We talked and went to sleep!"

"Yeah... I believe you" he rolled his eyes

"Whatever! I'm telling the truth! So basically that's what happened and he said he wants to see me once we get off the ship" I said smiling

"But he lives in America? And you live in England?" Oh shit! Harry is right...

"Shabs!" Well I guess I’ll just have my fun while I'm here with Zander

"Shabs?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"Yeah it’s like bad or something, I don't know how to describe it? You just say shabs when something bad happens? Me and my friends always say it!"

"Uh huh, let's just get the drinks Mils”

Hey, so i know this is short! Only one more chapter of Amelia left then it will be onto another girl! Can anyone guess which girl? If you get it right a cheeky dedication might be in store ;)

VCTE (please vote, comment and tweet! But mostly enjoy!!!)

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