Amelia - Chapter 8

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Amelia - Chapter 8

"Zander, seriously. Where are you taking me?!" I tripped but he caught me "Look I'm tripping everywhere; Zander please let me see where I'm going!"

"Lia, calm down we are nearly there and every time you trip ill catch you, so its fine!” Aww he said he would catch me, every time! Bad Millie! He doesn't like you get that into your head! "Look we are here now, are you ready?"

"Yes. Now let me seeeee" I whined. He removed his hands from my eyes. "Wh- What is this?!" A small deck had been laid out with a small table that seated 2 with rose petals and roses (my favourite flower!) scattered around

"Well as I quote you told me to 'man up and get to the point'" Zander smiled at me his blue eyes sparkling. No way fricking way! Zander likes me!? Zander likes me! Chill out Mils... He hasn't actually said it! "So I thought I'd show you" he took my hand and lead me to the table, pulled out my chair for me too - aww this is so romantic! "So what do you think?" Zander asked me

"Well it’s very thoughtful but I still don't understand why?"

"Because even though we have known each other for a week and a bit, I feel I’ve known you forever! And I really like you Amelia" he called me Amelia! He only says that when his serious! Zander actually likes me! Mental hi 5 with myself! Oh shit say something back

"Ilikeyoutoo" wow talk about embarrass yourself by acting shy, way to go.

"Umm what?"

"I. Like. You. Too." I sound a tad retarded now

"Really?" Zander’s eyes were so bright now

"No, I just thought I'd pretend, just to see your face" I said sarcastically

Zander laughed and took my hand as we sat there chatting for the rest of the night, it was lovely!

"No, I won't do it anymore"

"Why not boy? You know it will help the family! It’s the least you could do after all we done for you..."

"Alex has turned soft on the girl dad that's probably why"

"Shut up Leo that's not it, I just feel guilty"

"Is it because you luuurve her, you want to kiss her, you want to marry h-"

"Stop that Leo you’re not helping the situation! I don't see why you didn't get close to the girl at least you would have done it properly, we need this merge in the business or it will go bust and what will happen to our families name, eh boys? Now straighten yourself out Alexander and do what's best for your family and not for that piece of skirt." The door opened and I hid behind the plant pot, how could I be so stupid? Of course Zander didn't like me and now I'm crying? That's it no more boys. Ever. Zander took a deep breath in and out then started walking towards the deck. I turned the opposite way, knowing exactly where I was going.

"Another one." I said bashing my glass on the bar

"Are you sure beautiful, I mean..." I just glared at him. Of course I wanted another one, I was hurt and the only way I knew to get rid of this hurt was to get smashed and party hard! Well that's what me and the girls do every time a boy hurts us, would have thought we learned our lesson now but nooooo. Well that is apart from Ava, she hates the idea of relationships or getting close to a boy. She starts seeing someone but it will never last, she never lets it. I need to be like Ava. Cold hearted and not opening up to anyone apart from her friends and never cries. That's it I'm going to be strong, I can do it. Can't be that hard, right?

"Hey Millie! Didn't know you would be here tonight. Thought you would be with... Oh Millie what's the matter?" Oh was it written that much on my face? Even Harry who I had only spoke to a few times saw that I was hurting?

"Its nothing, I'm fine. Fine, fine, fine..." I trailed off looking at my empty glass. I bashed it on the bar, this time the barman said nothing.

"Well you don't seem fine, want to talk about it? Is it family or something? Is Jake okay?" The boys had taken an extreme liking to Jake which I found thoughtful but odd; I mean why would a bunch of 16 year old boys want to hang around with a 6 year old?

"Jakes fine and it’s not family..." I didn't really want to tell H, I mean Zander is his friend?

"What's A done?" How did he know?! He must be gay! No boy would understand that

"I have 3 older sisters and 2 younger sisters, I know when a girl has been hurt by a boy" he said half smiling that he guessed correctly

"Its nothing it’s probably silly..."

"Well it can't be nothing for you to be drowning your sorrows in alcohol with you make up down your face! Come on let's go over here and chat" he said as I silently followed him to a quieter part of the bar "now come tell Auntie Harry" he said with a wink, I couldn't help but smile a little at his joke. I then told him about the conversation I had overheard in Zander’s room when I had been going to surprise him by showing up early. Harry listened only nodding when needed and then once I finished he thought long and hard.

"Well you could either confront Al about it or see if he carries out what his Uncle told him to do? Because from what I get out of the conversation you heard, Alex doesn't want to hurt you. And in my opinion I think he actually really likes you" H defiantly had a point Zander had wanted to stop whatever his Uncle had planned. As the night went on me and Harry had worked out a plan.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! BAD ZANDER! Who can guess what happens?!

Ill upload tonight if i can (because i got over 500 reads!!!!!) , if your lucky but if you vote and comment it would make me super happy!!!!!

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