Perfect Little Monster

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I hold my breath as my body stiffens looking to the door.
The door opens to a girl who is maybe 23 or so. She's jotting something down on a clipboard ignoring my existence.
"Uh...." I sit there awkwardly looking for an explanation.
"Okay Olivia, do you know what happened?" She looks up from her clipboard and holds it to her side looking at me with alert attention.
"Um ... Not really... The last thing I remember was my boyfriend giving me his jacket ... The rest is a blur."
How and why am I in the hospital... This makes no sense.
"Ah! Yes!" She sighs looking up in remembrance. "Kobe right? He tried to get past security to see you. He's in the waiting room being monitored as we speak."
I laugh slightly.
He's such a cutie.
"Umm..." I look at her questionably searching for answers.
"Oh! Right." She laughs slightly. I'm getting a hunch that she's new at this. "Do you want the complex doctor version of do you want me to explain it to you where you'll actually understand and not zone me out the whole time?" Yes! Someone understands.
"I think I like the second choice." I giggle out smiling. She beams back and laughs as well.
"Well, ... Your brother, Dustin found you on the floor of your laundry room with a big nail up your thigh. You fainted from loss of blood and it seems that he found you about an hour later after that as the nail was infecting your leg. We had to do surgery on it to get it out and get rid of the infection. You've been here for..." She looks down at her clipboard and drags her pen along it looking for something. "Three days."
Three days!?
Holy fuck!!
"Uhh... Can I see Kobe?" I ask blatantly.
She looks at me confused as if I said something offensive.
"D-don't you want to see your family first??... They're here to ya know..." She says awkwardly as if I should instantly change my mind.
But I don't.
"No. I would like to see Kobe may you please go get the son of a bitch for me?" I smile waiting for a response.
"Uh... Okay." She smiles giving up her argument.
She leaves the room and I instantly flop back into the hospital bed.
A nail Olivia!? Really!?
I sit up again adjusting the bed so I can sit up comfortably. I look over to the mirror that's near by and check my hair.
I fix it as much as I can then notice something.
Oh fuck.
I look like shit.
There's dried mascara all around my eyes and my lipstick smeared across my face.
I scrub it away quickly then examine myself in the mirror again.
Meh I've looked wors-
My thoughts are stopped by Kobe's arms around me.
I gasp in surprise and hug him back.
He kissed my cheek then returns back to the hug.
"Hi baby... Miss me?" I giggle out.
"You have no idea" I hear his muffled voice say from my shoulders.
"Awwe...." I kiss his head hugging him tightly.
He finally retreats from the hug and looks at me.
"....God you're so beautiful.." He says looking me up and down. He blushes as I notice where his eyes landed.
Even like the hot mess I look like right now he'll STILL call me beautiful!? Is this guy insane!?
"So what happened when I was out?" I ask changing the topic.
"Brea came in to see you but I wouldn't let her. I argued threw the night with her a the hoe almost got slapped!"
My face dims thinking of Brea.
Honestly I miss her... But I know she's toxic to me.
"Baby you okay?" Kobe asks looking at me worried. He grabs my hand and kisses it lightly.
He's such a dork!
"Yeah just ... Brea." I sigh out knowing he's heard it before.
Kobe hates Brea and has this feeling that she's taking me away from him. Although he knows I love him he still gets worried that I could love someone enough to leave him for them.
But I won't.
I never will.
I'm his and I intend to keep it that way.
"Babe! You gotta stop thinking about that bitch!" I see worry and anger flash into his eyes.
All signs of what I like to call his bear moments.
He's getting protective.
"I love you but seriously let her go! You're being so stupid! I don't care if she's your best friend do you not remember what she did!?" He leans in and kisses my forehead hardly "Do you not remember what she did to us, baby?"
"I just need more time to get over her ..."
"Fine!" He simply says before leaving out the door.
I burst out crying as soon as the door slams shut.
I cover my face with my hands praying I didn't hurt my baby.
I wipe my tears quickly and get up. I feel them consume my eyes again but I ignore it.
At this point I didn't realize that my hospital gown didn't have a back to it. Aka I'm a fucking idiot.
I crawl out of my bed taking the water bag thingy that I was attached to with me.
Wtf is this thing even for!? And why the hell does the other bag have my blood in it!?
I don't question it any further and start to walk as fast as the damn thing will let me of of the room.
On my way out I trip on a wire and fall to the floor.
What the butt fuck!? Ugh!!!!!
I stand to my feet feeling myself get light headed but continue to walk.
I open the door to the hall and see doctors everywhere with clipboards. They seem to all look the same.
I look around and see a sign that says waiting room.
Slowly I walk toward it fastening my lace with every step.
I see my family and other people asleep or on their phones. Brea sees me and instantly perks up.
She jumps up and runs to give me a hug that I instantly push off me.
"Don't fucking touch me!" I say leaving her looking for Kobe.
"What's wrong babe? Are you okay? You gotta tell me what's wrong I'm here for you Olivia!" She frantically says trying to pull me closer.
I push her roughly away then start looking for Kobe.

What you guys think?
What do you guys think of Brea and Olivia's relationship? Weird how Olivia always seems to miss Brea after constantly telling herself to stop or that Brea is toxic for her.
What do y'all think of Kobe and Olivia though? I love there relationship personally❤ They're so cute. (Especially Kobe)
Any predictions on what's gonna happen next????
Tell me in the comments!

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