Jealously Anger and Nothing

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My headphones are blasting the song "Crushcrushcrush" by Paramore as I walk threw the halls.
I'm walking with the ocean of teenagers flowing in all different directions. One part of the hall is going one way, the other part another way of course.
I walk to the beat of my music feeling my knockoff timberlines hit the floor.
I look over to the other side of the hall and he catches my eye.
His eyes meet mine and he smirks slightly looking at me. My steps slow slightly and I take out one headphone.
"Kobe!" I hear a voice say from the other side of the hall. It sounds like its either a guy who hasn't hit puberty or a girl who has a deep ass voice.
Turns out its both.
Grace and Damen come running up to Kobe and start laughing about something.
I remember now.
I turn around and head to choir as my song switches to "Show You Crazy". My lips curl up into a slight smirk but it quickly fades.
Kobe isn't over Damen... And I can't change that.
Jealousy runs threw my veins as I walk into my forth period class.
Why Damen!? He's an annoying little prick that doesn't know when to shut up. So why him!? ... Why can't Kobe just think of ...
I don't finish the thought knowing how truly selfish it is. I can't expect Kobe to instantly forget about Damen and not have feelings for him at all because of me I mean god we aren't even dating yet and I'm already getting protective!
I mean Damen is cute. I can see that factor in him.
But he looks fake! Its almost as if he's too perfect.
He doesn't have one blemish on his face and he's skinny and wears ADORABLE sweaters! ... I'll never live up to that.
No wonder Kobe likes him.
If Damen wasn't straight.
I shutter with anger at my next thought.
You'd never hear of Kobe again.


I glare at Damen a seat across from me.
Because Damen couldn't keep his damn hands to himself he switched his 6th period into my 6th period.
This is literally my highlight of the day because I get to see Ms.Zoell but noooo! You have to ruin it!
My body vibrates with anger only holding myself by a string back from slashing his neck open. I've barely noticed Brea sitting beside me.
We haven't talked since she slapped me.
In fact I haven't really talked to anyone other than Kobe ad Kris in awhile.
Must be something with the 'K'.
Damen turns and smiles at me. All my anger and jealously that once illuminated my face was now gone and replaced by the best smile I could pull.
Ms.Zoell stops talking and we get to work on our assignment.
"Sooo.... What categories did you put the words in?" DA!end says turning to Brea and I.
Almost at the same time (maybe a few seconds off) Brea and I say "We sorted them by people places religion and fights."
I turn to Brea and she turns to me. I look into her pale blue eyes.
They're.... Empty.
I dig my nails into the seat and contain myself from leaning forward and kissing her again.
Even though she's a bitch at times I'm still in a trance of her smile. Her heart. And her eyes.
She turns away from me and continues to work on the project.
I stand there for a moment wondering if I should say something or let it be.
I can only imagine how hurt she must be.
She did like Kobe. Maybe even love him at one point. But now she's seeing her best friend who she wants to be with fall for him.
What a terrible ending to a beautiful story.
I get up with my agenda to ask to go to the girls room and Ms.Zoell just tells me to go. She trusts me. I'm kind of like her favorite.
I walk out of the classroom and see Kobe inside of his. His teacher just left to get something so I wave him down outside the door.
Kobe doesn't notice for awhile til someone says "Hey idiot Harley Quinn is here." Kobe instantly turns around with a huge smile on his face and runs over to me.
My good friend Lucy also sees this and gets to me first pulling me into one of our legendary hugs.
I needed this.
I close my eyes and take in the hug noticing that she smells really fucking good so I hold on for a little too long.
Kobe obviously couldn't wait anymore. He moves Lucy away from me and holds me tight picking me up slightly.
I look at him falling more in love with his eyes then I ever thought possible.
"Please put me down." I say laughing hoping he wouldn't.
He does and I go where I was meant to go in the first place... But not before another hug from Lucy.


I slam the stall of the girls room closed and put my back to one wall and my legs to anther balancing.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath trying to calm myself down.
"Ohh... Harleeeeyyy."
I turn my head at this break of silence and get down from my position.
I open the stall down to find none other than Brea staring back at me.
"H-hi." I say way to shaky to be anywhere near calm.
"We need to talk."

To be continued

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