Chapter Twenty

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Here you are, munchkins! I decided to update earlier than I planned, just because you lot are awesome. ;)

Karina xxx

Niall's POV

I sat across from the therapist and twiddled my thumbs, refraining from making any eye contact. 

"So, Niall, how are you feeling today?" he asked.

"Okay," I answered. 

"Just okay? Why not 'fantastic'?"

"Because nothing has happened today to make me feel 'fantastic'."

"Why are you here, Niall?" 

I sighed, "My friends and family think that I need help."

"I don't want to know about what they think," he said. "You tell me why you're here."

"I... I've been struggling with my anxiety."

Dr. Dolena nodded, "Who do you live with?"

"My mum."

"Are you the only child?"

"No. Greg, my brother, is attending Uni."

"What about your father?"

"My parents are divorced," I cringed. 

"Has that taken a toll on you?"

"No," I stated, sternly. "I want nothing to do with him."

He eyed me, carefully, "Are you in normal classes?"


"School, academically, has been going well, then?"

"I had a bit of a rough start... But now I have a tutor and I'm doing much better."

"Good, good," Dr. Dolena hummed. "Only a few more months until you graduate."

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Have you ever been abused; emotionally or physically?"

My eyes watered to the brim and I nodded, slowly.

"By your father."

I nodded again.

"Do you relive certain situations in your dreams?"

"I do..."

"For how long?"

"Since late October of last year."

"It's becoming clear to me that you have PTSD; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The event, or events that you've experienced are still embedded in your brain. Nightmares are an example of the memories reoccurring, adding to your anxiety. They may cause you to react differently to those who have no intention of harming you."

"Oh," was all I managed to say. 

There's some kind of imbalance in my brain?

Dr. Dolena grabbed a notepad and pen, "I'm writing you a prescription for Zoloft. It is an antidepressant, which will help regulate your mood and control your anxiety. Within a few weeks, the nightmares should decrease, if not cease entirely."

He ripped the paper off and set it down in front of me, "You're starting off on 30 milligrams, just to see how your body takes it in. I want to see you back here in three weeks to check on your progress and increase the dosage if all is well."

"That's it?" I mused.

"That's it," he repeated, a smile on his face. "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Horan."

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