Chapter Sixteen

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Niall's POV

As soon as I walked through the double doors of the building, all eyes were on me. Of course, the entire student body had to know about the party on Saturday. I kept my head down and went straight towards the art room. I heard a familiar voice and looked up, regretting it instantly. Harry had Louis pinned against his locker, their foreheads pressed together. I was hit with a wave of nausea and ran straight to the restroom. I locked myself in a stall, immediately bringing up the contents of my breakfast.

Fuck, why is he doing this to me? Harry had made no attempt to contact me the next day. I almost gave in to sending him a quick text, but I didn't do anything wrong. I wasn't the one who was supposed to apologize and beg for forgiveness. Why did I feel the need to, then?

Yes, Harry was obviously piss drunk that night; still, that was no excuse to cheat. Never did I imagine he would betray me like that. He knows how hard it was for me to trust him, yet it seemed like it didn't matter to him at all. The fact that I just witnessed Louis and Harry about to swap spit, furthermore proves it. I spent the night at Hunter's, safe in his arms. It was nothing like the feeling I got with Harry, but it was something.

I don't know who to turn to. Hunter says he cares about me; even loves me. I have to remind myself of what happened in Ireland, though. I groaned, leaning my head against the blue door and listened as the bell rang. I'm not moving from this stall, I decided.


Several odd stares later, I was able to make it to Justin's table. Andy and Hunter greeted me instantly, sending me sympathetic smiles. I grimaced and sat down between them, "Hey."

"I like your jumper," Andy said.

I bit my lip, my eyes watering, "It's Harry's."

Hunter rubbed my back, gently, "I'll get you something to eat."

"I'm not hungry," I muttered, wiping away a stray tear.

He frowned, "Alright."

Hunter left and got into the lunch line, leaving me alone with Andy. "Where's Justin?" I asked.

"He stayed home sick," Andy informed me. "I think it's a stomach virus."

I nodded, "Sorry to hear that."

"Can I borrow Niall for a minute?"

Liam put a hand on my shoulder and I stood up, following him out of the cafeteria. We stared at each other for several moments before he said anything, "How are you holding up?"

"Honestly? I'm not," I replied. "I feel like my heart was ripped out, thrown out a window, then run over by a truck."

There was giggling coming from behind me and I turned around. Harry was tucking in his plaid shirt and Louis had just buttoned up his jeans. My jaw dropped slightly, finding the sight hard to believe. Harry doesn't love me. He could care less about what I'm feeling. Heck, I was at least expecting an apology.

Harry and I made eye contact and I glared at him, coldly. The closer they got, the more lightheaded I felt. The familiar twist in my stomach came back, so I ran into the nearest bathroom. I threw up clear fluid, since there was nothing else in my system. After flushing the toilet, I walked over to the sink and rinsed my mouth. When I looked into the mirror, Harry's reflection appeared.

"Can I help you with something?" I inquired with no emotion.

"I was just coming to check if you were alright..." Harry trailed off, awkwardly.

"I'm not your concern anymore," I growled. "You lost the right to care when you cheated on me."

"Ni-," he began.

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