Chapter 9 - Snowball fights interrupted by a certain Director of Fury

Start from the beginning

"Cooper, Lila, look back at the house," I say, crouching down to their height. "You see Uncle Clint?"

They nod eagerly. Then Lila says something that is absolutely brilliant.

"Lexi? Can you slide him here?" She asks innocently.

"Of course, I can sweetie." I say and stand up to my full height.

Clint starts to walk down the ice path when I make the part he's standing on grow and lift into a decline, effectively causing him to slip and slide down the path. After a couple minutes of him sliding, he ends up right next to us.

"Go get him guys!" I say and Cooper and Lila run up to climb and jump on him as he recovers, sending him back into the snow.

He's busy laughing, "Come on you troublemakers! I just got up!"

Cooper gathers some snow and chucks it at me. "SNOWBAWL FWIGHT!!"

We all laugh as the snowballs start flying I wave my hands and the snow on the ground shapes and spins, forming two snow forts, each stocked with a large pile of snowballs.

Lila and I duck behind one of the snow forts while Cooper and Clint run to the other. I see Laura run over and I form an ice shield around her as she ducks into our fort.

We throw snowballs at the opposing fort with no avail. And since Clint has good aim.....I think I've had more near-death experiences in this snowball fight than I did in both Battles of New York I've fought in. 

"Lexi," Lila asks. "You have any Avenger ideas?"

"I got one, you think it's going to work on them?" I ask Lila teasingly.

"I know it will!" She cheers. I tell Laura and Lila the plan and Lila cheers while Laura smiles. "You have no idea how ready I am to do this Lexi. For all those times Clint teased me."

"Okay then! Just don't stress yourself." I advise.

"Lexi, I'm pregnant, not incompetent." She jokes.

"Point taken, alright team let's do this." I form an ice shield in an open space a little ways from our fort and sprint to it, throwing snowballs closer to Clint and Cooper. They start to bombard me as I edge closer and closer to them.

"Come on Cooper let's get her!" Clint laughs. "Your powers won't help you now Lexi!"

"Yeah I know they won't Clint!" I call out to him as he and Cooper get out of the fort to get a better aim at me. "I'm counting on something else!"

At that moment, Lila and Laura throw a ton of snowballs at Clint and Cooper laughing. Shocked they run around the forts from them. Laughing, I raise my hand and a wall of snow stops Clint and Cooper in their tracks. Laura and Lila tackle them to the ground laughing their heads off. After a little while, they give up and they all just sit in the snow like a little family. I smile a little sadly at the thought.

Laura notices me alone on the side and calls out to me. "Lexi! Get over here! You're part of this family too!"

I smile and sit next to Clint, Lila snuggling up closer to me. I hesitate before resting against Clint and he moves his hand a little farther back on the ground to accommodate for me. 

For the first time in forever, I......I have a family. And I feel like I'm on top of the world. Though that could be the adrenaline rush from that really intense snowball fight.

I can feel Lila almost falling asleep on me and I notice Cooper is doing the same on Clint.

"Should we take these guys back? They sure seem tired out." I smile.

"Yeah, it's their naptime anyway." Laura says and we all get up from out spots on the ground and walk back to the house. Cooper asleep in Clint's arms and Lila asleep in mine. Laura wanted to take her but this little girl has got an iron fist. (<------ Please tell me someone understood this reference)

I place Lila in her room and untangle myself from her grip....somehow. I tuck her into her blanket and turn on her nightlight, quietly shutting the door when Clint scares me out of my moment.



"Umm I don't know, maybe Director Fury," He responds.

"True, let's go." We walk into my room and open up my laptop, I connect to Fury's encrypted video call and his face pops up on my screen.

"Director?" Clint says kinda confused to why Fury is calling us.

"Barton, Carson have either of you been paying attention to the television lately?" He asks.

Both of us shake our heads and he sighs. "There's this idiot who calls himself the Mandarin who has been popping up on television screens everywhere. He blew up the Chinese Theater in LA and killed an innocent hostage on live TV. And let's just say he provoked Stark into giving away his mansion's address. You can imagine how that went."

Clint facepalms and I groan. "Is he, at least alright?"

"He's been MIA since the attack." Fury says. "Our surveillance show he got a suit and flew the hell out of there. Lexi, you are going to go after him. I've sent the coordinates to your SHIELD phone. Barton, get back to New York just in case that's the Mandarin's next target. He seems to like public places. Sorry you two, but it looks like your little excursion is over."

The video call ends right on that note, so Clint and I end up staring at a blank screen for a good five minutes.

I finally sigh, breaking the silence. "Well I guess we better get packing"

Hey hey! Sorry for the late posts, I've also been really busy with Science Olympiad, homework and my other Demigod Avenger Side stories book that is finally up!!

Anyway, I hope you liked this part! Vote, comment if you did and follow me if you haven't already!

See you guys in a little bit!

Stay Nerdy, 

Nerdy_Girl :P

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