chapter 26-21.1kHz

Start bij het begin

He smiled. "I love you."

I kissed him full on the lips without answering. He kissed back, eagerly.
Just then, Kirstie slammed into us.
Mitch yelped and fell to the ground.

"Kirstie!" I exclaimed. She didn't say anything and left the room quickly.

"What's up with her?" I questioned.

"I don't know, but I think she saved our life." Mitch whispered, pointing to the doorway.
Mom and dad were walking out.
That was close.

I helped Mitch up and we headed to our room.

Mitch's POV

I dropped my books when I realized where I was going to stay: Mom's room.

"Mom, what about you?" I asked.

"I'll share a room with your father." she said, moving her makeup out.

"Mom I don't need my own room. I'm fine with Scott. Really." Mom's eyes flashed.

"Of course you are." she said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Mom-"

"Do As I Say." Mom left her-my-room.

I groaned as I flopped down in my bed.
something was wrong.
Something was very very wrong.

Just then I heard a small knock.


Kirstie ran in, slamming the door behind her.

"Kat?" I stood up. "What happened to you? What did mom say? Why didn't you speak? Why did you scream? What happened?"

Kirstie hobbled over to me and grabbed my arm. Her eyes were crazy. She walked funny.


She fell on me and I grabbed her. "K!"
She grasped my mouth. She mouthed like she was really talking, but her voice didn't come out. Tears came to her eyes and seeing her made me tear up, too.

"Kirstie, what's wrong?" I asked, trying to be calm. "Talk to me. Talk."

Her voice seemed to be around, but it didn't come to my ears. "Kirstie..."
Just then Scott came in. "Hey you forgot your-" he stopped when he saw us both crying.

"What's wrong?"

"Scott help her!" I cried. He rushed over and hugged me. "Babe what's wrong?"

"There's something wrong with her voice. I can't hear her, but I'm 100% certain she's talking, Scott. Help her!"

Scott walked to Kirstie and touched her throat. "Speak." he ordered.
Kirstie mouthed again. She seemed pained.

"Yup. She's talking." Scott pulled away.

"But why can't we hear her?" I asked.

Scott started searching her body for something. He rolled her sleeves up, pulled at her sweater, searched her neck, until...

"Found it!" he said. I leaned over.

On her shoulder, there was a clear needle mark. It was covered with blood stains.
I gasped. "K...."

Scott looked at her with those blue eyes.

She shook her head.


She nodded, crying.

"Why what did he do?" I asked.

"Wait babe call Tyler." Scott said and I did, raising my eyebrows.

"Hellllo?" Tyler's voice rang out.

"Tye hon, do me a favor. Put this phone call on speaker and hold it in front of your dog."
Scott said, nodding at Kirstie.

"Sure!" Odd enough, this wasn't the most wierdest thing Scott asked Tyler to do over the phone, so Tyler obliged without complaining.

Kirstie started screaming without sound. Over the phone, Tyler's dog barked and barked.

"He's going crazy." I heard Troye in the background. "He never barks."

Scott smiled and hung up. "Done."

I stared at him, confused. "No, not done. What happened to Kirstie?"

"Kirstie thinks she's speaking ordinarily, but in real life, she's only speaking in 21.1kHz.
The average frequency of a human is 8kHz.
21.1kHz can only be heard by dogs and whales. Or an alien, maybe."

"So why is she talking that way?"

"Dad put meds in her." Scott touched the mark and Kirstie winced.

"Why?" I asked, almost screaming.

"I guess he didn't want her to tell us something?"

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