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Okay. So. This book hit 12k reads today. I'm very excited and happy The 5SOS Bible made it this far. I never thought in a million years that it would ever get over 100 reads. This is crazy. Thank you so so so much.

There may only be 2 chapters left after this, but you can still talk to me and read my other works. I'm not trying to turn this into a self promo or anything though. This is about The 5SOS Bible.

I just want to say a whole big thank you to all the people who took the time in their day to read, vote, and comment on this book. None of this would be possible without you guys.

I'm so glad 5 Seconds Of Summer came along. This band has led me to make new friends, become a better writer, and become overall a happier person.

Goodbye for now.

Love you 5SOS fam.


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