Surprises Appear Beyond The Door

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After, yet another exhausting day of school, I finally reached the front of my dark, cherry wood door. Kaden usually drops me off after school, or some days we just head to the diner that my grandparents own.

It's remarkable how at their age they're so energetic, running the diner and all. We usually go there because the bookstore I work at is down the street. That, and my grandmother will always stuff Kaden and I with food.

Actually, I think that boy gets more food than I do.

"Mom, I'm home!" I exclaimed loud enough as I enter the house and take off my shoes. I hear  some sort of crashing noise, followed by some profanities being exclaimed. I shake my head and head towards the kitchen.

"Hey mom," I said casually, leaning against the door frame and watching her jump up to the sound of my voice.

"Corey! When did you get here? Actually, come over here and help — wait no! There's glass on the floor! Don't come!" she said frantically as she rushed towards the broom and dust pan.

I take a good look at the kitchen, and needless to say it looked as if a bomb went off. Which is weird, because my mother tries to keep her kitchen, yes her kitchen, in tip top shape. She hates when my dad even tries to make something, because even though he's a great cook, he makes a mess or breaks something in the process.

"Mom, what's going on? You look like you've been trying to cook a horse."

"Well, you know the neighbors who just moved in next door?" she asked, sweeping the broken glass, I nodded in response. She got up, threw the glass, and wiped her hands onto her apron. "Well, I invited them over for dinner — it's a special occasion actually."

I took a seat at the table. "Why? What's so special about them?" I asked nonchalantly as she passed me an apple.

"It's special because no one has actually moved into that house in awhile, so it's special ya know?" she said as she cleaned up the kitchen. "So I want you to make sure your room is clean and wear something ... presentable, ok?"

I rolled my eyes, "Ok."

She smiled. "So, how was your day?"

"Eh, I don't have much of an eventful life. You realize that, right?"

"I don't know Corey, you're friends with Kaden. You just don't use him to his full extent," she said with a shrug.

I quirked my eyebrow at that comment, "What's that suppose to mean?"

She laughed and shook her head, "Oh honey, of course you're life will be uneventful if you don't live a little. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not encouraging you to go out and do drugs and go to parties, but it wouldn't kill you to live a little, ya know?"

"Mom, you know I'm not that type of person," I said rolling my eyes. I heard her sigh and mumble something along the lines 'you used to be' or something like that. I decided to let it go before causing anything with her. "Anyways, do you want some help?"

"No, it's okay. You know how much I can't stand it when you and your father try to 'help' in the kitchen," she said with a scowl on her face. I took that as my cue to exit the kitchen before she started her rant session. I grabbed my bag and headed up the stairs.

I opened the door to be welcomed by my colossal of what I call my room. My mother was not the type of mom to clean up after me everyday, she claims that "I would never learn how to be a person" and that "I'm lazy and no girl would want to be with a pig sty". I sighed and started fixing things up. I don't get why it's necessary really, I mean I highly doubt the new neighbors are going to be coming to my room anyway.

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