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Crap ya know I've never actually written a fanfic before? I'm surprised I'm actually doing this, I've always been you, the reader, oh how the turntables ( ̄ω ̄;) here goes nothin'!

It was the summer.

The hot,




What made it worse was the fact that you were in Saitama's and Genos's humble apartment. By that you mean Saitama didn't believe in using air conditioning in the summer, and on top of that, the heating in the winter. You slumped your body over the table in the main room and let our a long and analogized whine. The sun was pouring into the room and there was no breeze. You were sweating so much your exposed skin stuck to the table. 

It's been a while since you moved in with the odd couple. At first you actually thought Saitama and Genos WERE a couple. But after much interrogation you came to terms with it. Which was almost good news for you. Over time you kind of started to crush on Genos. For the longest time you ignored it, suppressed it, and above all, denied it. It was hard to tell if Genos would ever pick up on the signals. You've noted on Genos's naiive attuide and innocent demeanour. It was quite ironic given that most villians would quiver and shake in the sight of the demon cyborg. HA! Demon?! You never personally saw that side of Genos. You figured that to be a good thing. He was quiet around you, observant. There would be moments where you thought you caught Genos staring at you, but you've brushed it off. Was it possible his sensors could pick up on the way your heart beat elevated whenever you two talked? Or where even in the same room together? You hoped that wasn't the case. You prayed  it wasn't. 

You actually used to live in the apartment next door to Saitama. What was an innocent citizen of society like yourself doing living in the desolated Z-City? It was a long story. You've grown into a better person from who you used to be. A more independent person to say the least. With living on your own and all.  One day you came back to your home only to find a huge hole in the side of your apartment. Apparently Saitama got some "unwelcomed guests" who "didn't want to leave without him. Dead or alive." and thus it ending with said hole in your house and a few dead monsters laying on your floor. You didn't exactly know all the details of the ordain because the moment the blonde cyborg came onto the scene your brain shut down and went into panic mode and blanked out. Next thing you knew you were invited over to live with the strange men until the huge hole was patched and filled. 

But that was half a year ago.

Right now you were waiting for the boys to get back home from the Hero Association meeting when you heard a knock at the door. 

"Coming!!" You hollered to the door. "Those nerds but have forgotten their key again."  You thought to yourself. You didn't even bother to look through the peep hole in the door. Which probably wasn't the smartest move with living in Z-City. And just as fate would have it- you opened the door to. . .

"Tatsumaki? Fubuki?" You said dimwitted. That's right, the S-Class, Terrible Tornado and B-Class, Blizzard of Hell were standing outside the apartment door. Three black shopping bags were magically floating in the behind the girls. The ESP sisters both gave you an annoyed look. But you thought it was horrifying. It sent chills down your spine. You've never talked to any other heroes before, other than Saitama and Genos. You did have an encounter with Mumen Rider once in the past but that was a different situation and story. 

"Umm, hey yeah so eh Saitama and Genos aren't home right now. I thought they were at head quarters with you guys?" You managed to say in a small voice, trying to hide your fright. You had heard about the girls' attitudes and firey reputation before and you didn't want to rub them the wrong way. Especially the green one.

"We actually came to see you, (name)." Fubuki simply said. "So, can we come in or are we going to just stand here all day in the heat and miss the festival?"

"Oh yes! Please come in! It's not much better in here temperature-wise. Saitama said to not use heating or air conditioning to strengthen one's mind. That and he doesn't want to spend a penny on either. But I can respect that. Anyhow, what's this about a festival?" You ask meekly. These heroes were so beautiful in such a deadly way that you felt like a simple potato next to them. The floating bags placed themselves on the table in the main room. You wished that you had cool powers like the Fubuki and Tatsumaki. 

"There's an Obon festival happening in A-City tonight. And you're coming with us and some other heroes from the association." Tatsumaki said bluntly, in a demanding way as if you had no choice. You probably didn't. You started to get nervous. Ever since you moved to Japan you had a hard time finding friends, and socializing for that matter. So the idea was scary to you but yet at the same time it intrigued that you were invited, a normal citizen, to attend the biggest Obon festival on the island with a bunch of heroes? Fubuki sensed this and offered you a small smile.

"Hey, (name), it's going to be alright. You don't need to act like an idiot over it." Tatsumaki said. You saw it as her way of trying to help ease your nerves. And it kind of warmed your heart. Funny. 

"I told Saitama and Genos to give us girls sometime after the meeting to get ready for the festival. It takes forever to put on these Yukatans and do our hair and makeup. The boys are over at King's place getting ready themselves." Fubuki said as she was taking out the neatly folded festival clothes and makeup.

"I told Genos to try to look extra nice for you (name)." Tatsumaki winked as she snickered. 

You could feel your face instantly heat up, despite already being hot in the apartment. 

"Tatsumaki, don't tease her" Fubuki said as she was intently looking at the fabrics, choosing which one to wear. "We all know that Genos is already going to try to look his best for (name)."

"GUYS IT'S NOT LIKE THAT. I MEAN-" You got so worked up that the sisters starting laughing. You sighed and you started laughing too. Just then you noticed a nice, cool breeze blow through the back screen door. You instantly felt even better.

"This could be...fun." You decided happily.

Author's Notes: Thus ends chapter uno. I ended up dragged this out more than I expected but I do hope the pace isn't too, idk slow? I wanted to make a good quality fanfiction. It's not done yet obviously, I have plans to make this almost feel like it could be an actual One Punch Man episode. Let me know what you goofballs think so far in the comments below!! Thanks!! (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧

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