"That's right," Harry sighed.

"Is that hard on her?"

"I imagine so."

"Recently, several magazines have been publishing articles saying you've split up and that you've started seeing other girls, specifically Cora MacArthur."

"Magazines can say what they want. They always do."

"But does that mean you're not with Kate?"

"It means I'm not with Cora MacArthur. I think that's what you're really asking."

August 1. Harry and Niall were being interviewed backstage at a concert. Harry looked as though he had hardly been eating. His face looked pale and his lips protruded like they did when he was unhappy.

"Niall," the interviewer said enthusiastically. "What do you think of all the women here in our lovely city?"

"This city has some good looking girls, I'll tell you that!" Niall laughed.

"What do you think Harry?"

Harry looked at the interviewer. "Great bunch of girls, yeah."

"Harry, rumors have been swirling about your relationship."

"Can't think of a day in the last several years of my life when there hasn't been a rumor about me"

"You've been out a lot without Kate. Is that because you're not together?"

"It means I'm in North America and she's in London."

August 15. It was obvious the video had been taken on someone's phone. The quality was low and the lighting was bad, but it appeared as though Harry was meeting fans on the street. He was posing for photos with a closed-mouth smile and hugging fans with loose arms.

"Are you single now, Harry?" one of the fans asked.

"Where's Kate?" another inquired.

"Has she come to America with you?"

"That's it for tonight, everyone," Harry said definitively. "Sorry I couldn't get a photo with everyone. Love you all." Then he was gone.

The video carried on with nearly seven minutes documenting times Harry avoided confirming or denying that we were together. Harry kept silent, gave roundabout answers, or relied on Louis, Niall, or Liam to distract the interviewer with a new question or comment. Not once did Harry say anything remotely close to the truth.

"This blogger has even written a small piece about it. She's got an interesting perspective. Listen: 'Within the last few months, no one has been able to tell whether or not Kate and Harry are still together. In July, rumors started spreading that Kate and Harry were separated. Then in late July, the story about Harry and Cora MacArthur was published. This story was clearly false because at the time of the photo release, Cora was in New Zealand and couldn't have been with Harry who was in Dubai. But since then, Harry and Kate haven't been seen together publicly and there has also not been any indication that they have been together WITHOUT being seen.'

'Before all of this, Harry was clearly smitten with Kate. Though he didn't comment on the relationship publicly very often, Harry always showed his affection for her. No one can deny that he loves her. In my opinion, their separation is temporary. Until one of them releases a statement that they're not together, I will keep assuming that they are. Besides, we all know how Harry's management team likes to keep things under wraps until it suits them.'"

"Okay..." shrugged.

"Don't you see? This girl is absolutely right."

"No, she's wrong. We're not together. We're not 'temporarily' separated. We've broken up."

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