Chapter 35

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At some point, I must have fallen asleep. I was lying in bed still with the duvet covering me. I felt too warm, but I knew the bed was empty beside me. I could hear the shower running in the bathroom. Before my eyes were even opened, I felt a deeply sickening feeling overcome me: This was our last day.

The shower turned off and I could hear Harry moving about. I pulled back the duvet and walked to the bathroom door. I raised my fist and knocked softly. Harry opened the door and poked his head out. Hot steam slipped through the doorway. His hair was sopping wet and sticking to his face, but he had a smile.

"Sorry," I muttered. "I have to..."

"Right!" he opened the door wider. Harry stood before me in nothing but a fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist. I tried not to stare while quickly walking across the master bathroom to the smaller toilet room and closed the door behind me.

Just a minute later, I emerged from the smaller room and walked up to the sink. I started brushing my teeth and noticed Harry was still wearing the towel, only it was slipping down his hips.

"Morning, love," he looked over at me.

I deposited my toothbrush back in the holder. "Morning," I smiled.

Harry stood at the mirror and ran his fingers through his hair. With his arms raised, I saw the muscles in his back and upper arms flex with each movement. Before my actions really registered, I walked up to him. I rested my hands on his sides and trailed them from his ribs to his hips. I leaned forward and pressed an openmouthed kiss to the warm skin between his shoulder blades.

At first, Harry had no reaction other than his fingers ceased their tousling of his hair. With no objection from him, I kept moving. I tightened my grip on his hips and trailed kisses across his back and broad shoulders. His hands fell and gripped the edge of the countertop. When I reached the base of his neck, he let out a barely audible whimper. His back straightened and his shoulders tightened in response.

"Baby," he whispered.

I moved my hands from his hips and slowly reached around to run my palms along his front to feel every muscle. My hands moved up across his chest and I pressed my cheek to his back holding him in a short embrace.

"You're just trying to make it impossible for me to leave," he said through gritted teeth. He shuddered as I kissed between his shoulder blades one last time.

"Is it working?" I teased.

I left Harry alone in the bathroom so he could dress. I crawled back into the warm bed. I took my phone from the bedside table and noticed I had a few messages waiting for me. Julia sent me my new work schedule. Alessandra invited me to a party next week. My mother wanted to know if she could visit me in London soon.

Harry walked up to the bed in a grey t-shirt and black Calvin Kleins. He turned to a dresser and found a pair of sweats to slip into. Harry gave me a quizzical look. "Have we any plans today? Shall we walk in the park, have lunch downtown, go shopping, go to the cinema?"

"We could do any of those things," I shrugged. "But I was sort of thinking we could do nothing."

A wicked smile spread across his lips, "Nothing it is then, love. But before we start doing nothing, can we have breakfast?"

"Yes," I giggled.


For the second time, Harry made waffles and impressed me with his deftness in the kitchen. Hardly a mess remained by the time Harry put a plate of steaming waffles in front of me. The entire house smelled good and I could no longer hide the sound of my stomach growling.

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