Chapter 18

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I rolled over in bed suddenly aware it was morning. Without opening my eyes, I reached out and patted around in search of Harry. My hand didn't find anything but empty sheets. I opened my eyes and frowned, there was no one in bed beside me. I left the bed and assumed Harry was in the kitchen or watching TV. It seemed a little strange that he wouldn't have woken me up when he got up, but I figured he just wanted to let me sleep.

There was no sound of the television or Harry talking on the phone coming from the front of the house. I walked into the kitchen and stopped in my tracks. On the countertop was a vase of a dozen red peonies. I smiled to myself as I eyed the flower arrangement that had been left for me.

Each of the peonies was a full bloom and the flowers were fresh. They left an intoxicating fragrance floating through the air. Red peonies weren't a simple find. Harry would have had to have them specially delivered. His thoughtfulness melted my heart.

Written in what now I could easily identify as Harry's writing was a note left in the shadow of the peonies. I picked it up and read over it carefully. I could nearly hear the words as Harry would say them.

Happy Valentine's Day! I had to step out for an hour. I'll be home soon. xx H.

"I know how you find red roses to be cliché for Valentine's Day." A raspy voice came from behind me. I turned around and saw him. His hair pulled back in a bun. His t-shirt fit loosely around his body. He was leaned against the doorway to the kitchen. "And I know you love peonies. But it is Valentine's Day and red seems necessary. So I settled for red peonies."

"I love them." I walked up to Harry and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands were instantly on my waist and his lips were against mine. The kiss was short, sweet.

"Happy Valentine's Day, baby," he mumbled.

"Happy Valentine's Day."

Harry pressed a kiss against my neck before pulling away. Over the past few days he had become more adventurous with showing affection. He had been cautious because of my apprehension, but I was slowly opening up to him and he was taking notice.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I, uh," Harry stuttered. "I had to go make sure everything was ready. You know, for our date tonight."

"Oh," I blushed. "What are we doing?"

"You'll have to wait and see!" He kissed my cheek playfully.


{Harry's Point of View}

I had spent a long time thinking about the perfect date for Valentine's Day. A traditional dinner date wouldn't have been enough. That would seem impersonal and I wanted to show Kate that I have been thinking about her and that I know her personality and mind. I had concluded that we would do something out of the ordinary and I would make the night about her.

This Valentine's Day would be a little different than it would have been if Kate hadn't suffered from memory loss. We had been officially dating for about seven months, but because she only remembered about a month and a half of it, I would take things slowly. The night would have to be treated like we were a new couple. I wasn't going to force any kind of mood on the evening. I wanted this to be pressure-free and fun.

I was aware that Kate's walls were still built high. She would let me kiss her, but she rarely initiated kissing. I always held her hand when we walked, but my hand was holding hers tighter than hers held mine. In the night, she would sleep close by me, but if I touched her, I would instantly feel her body stiffen subconsciously. I doubted she even realized these changes in her behavior. But I couldn't blame her; this was all new to her. I had to be patient.

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