"Kathryn, can we please talk?" Kevin asked.

I ignored him and started to wash the carrots in warm water. I poured water into a pot and turned the stove on high.

"Kit Kat?" He tried using my childhood nickname. So not working.

I began peeling the carrots. Hopefully, Ryan would like the carrots.

I put the carrots in a pot of boiling water to soften it. I make silly faces to Ryan because he looked like he was about to cry again, ignoring the fact that Kevin is looking.

"I know baby. I know it hurts." I cooed to Ryan. Three more months to go.

When I think the carrots turned soft enough, I drained water out of the pot and placed the carrots into a bowl. I took a fork and began to mush it up.

When I was done, I put it in the fridge to let it cool a little.

I closed my eyes, and soon I saw myself being covered with food and blood when I was seven years old, and I just learned to cook.

"Hey brat! Where's our food?" It was probably Toby who said it, or is it Kevin?

I walked up to everyone in the dining room  with plates of food. I was so nervous and scared if they didn't like it.

I gave it to most by the time it was Kevin's turn, he took a bit and spit it at me. The anger in his eyes were enough to make me cower back a little.

"What in the goddess is this?! Are you trying to poison me or do you not know how to cook one stupid meal?!"

I was going for the second one but I knew it was best to keep it to myself. Everyone was glaring at me, like I should've known better. I bowed my head, trying to say i mean no harm.

"Im sorry. I promise that won't happen again." I apologized. I was trembling.

"YOU'RE SORRY?! ILL SHOW YOU WHAT SOERY TRUELY IS!" He stood up, and threw his plate at me, food sticking on my clothes and skin, while the sauce is making my hair stuck to my face. The impact of the plate left me a bruise and knocks me to the ground, landing on the broken pieces of the plate.

Everyone was laughing at me, pointing like I'm a clown at the circuit.

I never felt so hurt and scared.

Ryan's cries brought me back to reality.

"Kathryn, are you okay?" I saw Kevin in front of me. I blinked away the tears and tried to push back my memories.

I gave him a fake smile and pretended like nothing is wrong. I grabbed a clean cloth and wet it with cold water before putting it in Ryan's mouth. I read it somewhere online that it helps with the pain in teething.

"BS, I know something is wrong. Tell me what is it?"

"Language! There is a child here. He's almost at that age where he will start speaking and I don't want him to pick up bad words!" I scolded him. I tried to change the subject.

"Sorry. And don't think I would forget about the previous subject. Tell me what's wrong?"

I stayed silent. I heard him sighing.

Rejected and left pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now