It isn't what you think

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Julia's POV

Oh no Dan is about to walk in on us, I dont want to date Phil I would never cheat on Dan and if he doesn't believe me that it was Dan then our relationship is over. I could here the foot steps clearer and louder, then the door opened. I could see Dan losing his temper I wanted to slide out of Phil's grip but he was holding me tight, I felt Phil lose grip and that was because Dan had just puched him. I leaned over him and started to cry. "Phil are you okay" I asked him trying to stay calm. Then I got up and tried to calm down Dan, he was fuming I ran into his arms and I felt his hands over me, I knew that he would understand that it wasnt me. I tried to help clean Phil's wound but he was badly injured. I cant believe that Dan did this just because he was so protective of me. He punched his best friend just for me . I left Phil alone and went to explain the situation to Dan." Dan I promise you that I didn't kiss him back he had so much grip that I just couldnt move. I tried to resist but there was no way he would stop, please Dan I promise you that it wasn't me" I was interuppted by Dan kissing me which I would take as an apology accepted.

Phil's POV

Why did I do that? I nearly ruined their relationship, I ruined my friendship with Dan, I've lost my only true friend. Why did I have  to kiss her and why did I not just resist, I knew that she was with Dan. I lay on my bed in pain when I decided to pack my stuff and go home to my parents. I packed my stuff and left I told them that it would be better if I left. Julia tried to stop me but I pushed her away and as soon as I did that Dan got up and punched me again so I punched him back and when Julia tried to stop the fight Dan punched her instead of me and she collapsed to the floor.  I quickly called the ambulance and Dan asked me if I could come with him so I did and I waited outside the office.

Dan's POV

Oh no what have I done. I hope that she will be ok what if she breaks up with me. What if she never wants to see me again???

Hey Guys

I hope that you have enjoyed this part and please comment any suggestions and remember to vote

Love Julia

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