Everybody dreams

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Hi I am Julia,just living in London studying interior design. I make youtube videos but i am not very pupular ...Yet, but i will be someday. I have always had a big dream ,ever since i was little and watched the first bad quality youtube videos of my favourite YouTubers Dan Howell and Phil Lester, This dream was to meet them in real life. For many years i was secretly hoping to meet them, as the years flew by i was more and more obssessed, they were everywhere on my phone(as ringtones and wallpapers and even lockscreens), they were also as my laptop wallpaper. To make me even wierder i decided to gather up posters of them and later that year i made a Dan and Phil shrine that was on the wall opposite my bed. For christmas I got the amazing book is not on fire. I would dream every night of different ways we could meet. I talked about them in school, at home, just everywhere. I strongly believed that i was a dedicated member of the phan family as my 16th birthday party was dan and phil themed. One day my friend and I came up with a ship name for danasaurs and philions and we came up with dandyphilion. 

I have always wanted to meet my heros in real life but after a couple of years of hoping I realised taht my chances of meeting them were close to impossible,deep down i was still secretly hoping that they would one day draw whiskers on my face and acctually hear about what i have done for them. As I closed my eyes every night i could see Dan and Phil. With every word of every video my obsession got bigger and bigger and bigger, I still had hope, just like a thin piece of thread that could hold you up when you start to fall, I knew that oneday my dream would come true.

Pls comment on any ideas or opinions you have

Love Julia 

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