Chapter 2 - California Gurls and Boy? ♂

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°Chapter 2°



I puffed into my pillow trying to aim my hand for the snooze button on my bed side table.

"I knew you wouldn't listen to your alarm." My dad entered my room. "Now we can do this the easy or hard way, your choice." He walked towards my bed. I didn't bother to answer. "I guess you want to do it the hard way then."

I started to doze off again into a relaxing trance as I heard my dads footsteps leave my room. Then before I knew it I felt a freezing wet sensation drench over my head and I snapped my body up from my pillow. I screamed so loud, I'm pretty sure I heard the birds fled away from a tree nearby. 

My dad grinned at me holding a big blue bucket. "Time for school" He smiled, making his way out of my room. I watched him with anger as he left my room. I hopped out of my bed and shut the door behind him. I turned and looked around my empty room. I started looking for a box labeled "clothes". I picked out my outfit and looked in my body length mirror with disgust. I ran my fingers through my damp, wavy hair. 


"How am I getting to school!" I yelled through the house as I bolted down the stairs and made my way to the kitchen. 

"I'll drive you." My dad said pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Ugh I can't wait till I can drive." I said as I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Who said you're getting a car?" My father smiled at me with delight. I rolled my eyes and made my way out the door and into the car. I looked at this unusual environment around me. It was just so different. So bright. 

Then I saw it out my window. My new prison. "Orange County High School For The Arts". WAIT. For the arts? "Dad!" I snapped my head at him. "What is my art elective?" I said realizing how doomed I was. I was very creative but I sucked at it compared to these kids probably. "Drama" My dad said turning into the school. "Drama?!" I exclaimed. Oh my gosh. I am toast. I can't act or sing, whatsoever. I got out of the car and entered a whole other universe.

**(i imagined the song linked playing during this scene)**

All these sports cars entered the school parking lot as I watched my dad drive off in our crappy car. I was hesitant to walk down the parking lot to the front office which felt like it was miles away, when it was only really a couple hundred feet away. I felt like I was walking down a catwalk. Every one was gathered around their perfect cars either talking to each other and ignoring everyone around them or were watching you like you were their prey.

All the girls in mini skirts and perfect shiny, styled hair were talking and giggling with their boyfriends and cheerleader friends. Then there were some crappy cars with the average looking people gathered around, checking out every girl that passed by. 

"HEY BABY!" Some guys called from their also average, used cars. I rolled my eyes at them and kept walking. All the guys "oooed" in disappointment at their friend that didn't get a reaction out of me. As I kept walking there were some really hot guys getting out of their cars with their aviators and leather jackets.

I was so close the the front office. I started walking a bit faster and accidentally bumped into a blonde haired girl that was walking with her also perfect looking friends. She looked a bit older than me and she wasn't a bit sensitive about me bumping into her. "Watch where your going." She dusted off her shoulder not even looking up at who had bumped into her. 

"Sure, i'll keep an eye out for a blonde, twiggy brat." I rolled my eyes and continued walking. As I kept walking I heard some guys laugh and make noises from the scene that had just happened. I was not going to put up with anyone's crap. Just because their rich and perfect doesn't make them any better. 

Suddenly about a minute after the scene I felt someone come up to me as if they were running towards me. I looked quickly beside me to see a toned guy beside me. "Hey, that was awesome what you did back there." He huffed out, trying to get his breath back. "I'm Micheal, you must be new?" 

This guy had a cute but also nerdy face. He was really toned and had a dress shirt on with jeans and casual brown shoes. He didn't exactly look like a very popular guy but he looked average. "Um yeah... I'm Nicky." I tried not to look at him too much. I wasn't planning on having friends and I was going to stick to that plan. "Yeah, that was Julie. She's very ungracious." 

"She's a wannabe entitled brat, that's what she is." I continue walking and not making eye contact. 

"She's also a junior... So where are you from?" He tried to catch up as I started trying to walk faster to get away. 

"Look" I turned to him, harsh-fully. "I'm not the friendly type of girl, if you haven't noticed. I never have been and never will be." I turned and started speed walking again. He followed after me and gave a nervous laugh as I turned into a counselors office.

"Oh come on! You have to have some friends! You''d be missing the whole high school experience!" I stopped and spun around quickly at him and made him stop as well.

"What can I do to make you leave me alone?" I puffed out angrily.

"Hang out with me for the day and whoever you meet along the way. If you don't like having friends still, I'll never talk to you again." He smiled, nervously.

"Fine, I have to go get my class and locker information." I walked a step and then snapped back around at the annoying boy."By myself" I said sternly, stopping him from following me like a lost puppy.

"I'll be here!" I heard him shout nervously as I walked to get my information.


Of course I discovered my locker is in the same building as his and I also had two classes with him. This was going to be a long day.

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