"Looking good Katie," Johnny said.

Carl and Delancey came into the class. "What's with all the shrieking?" Delancey asked and looked confused. As soon as she saw Katie, she started to shriek. "Katie?! Oh my gosh. Absolutely beautiful."

"Dang Katie," Carl said. "You look nice."

Katie's face flushed from everyone complimenting her. For the rest of the class, we mainly talked about Katie and how much her style has changed.

"So what are you all doing this summer?" Jace asked us as we sat down at the lunch table.

"I'm not sure yet," I said, with a thoughtful look on my face. "I hope I do something."

Katie shrugged. "I don't know either." She turned to Chris. "What about you?"

Chris looked down. "Um...actually I'm going to London over the summer."

Katie's mouth dropped. "Really? That sounds so cool! What are you going to do?"

"I'm going over there for my photography and I'll be looking into the University Of London. I'm going to check it out. I'll be staying there the whole summer."

"Awesome!" I could tell Katie was happy for him but she was also a little disappointed that he would be gone the whole summer. "I'll be leaving in a few days."

Katie's face fell. "Oh..."

Chris gave her a sympathetic look and put his hand on hers. "Hey it'll be okay. We can Skype each other and stuff."

"Yeah that'll be good."

I turned over to Jace. "What will you be doing this summer?"

"Probably going to help my dad more with the car shop. I don't know what else I'm doing yet," Jace replied.

"I'm going to a family reunion over the summer," Carolyn said and groaned. "My family pretty much hate each other so it's not going to be fun."

Johnny gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey it'll be okay. You can always call me if you're feeling overwhelmed."

"I wish you could come. That would make everything better." She smiled at him.

"I'm probably going to get a part-time job over the summer," Delancey said. "I really want to buy some stuff."

"Like what?" Carl said and laughed.

Delancey rolled her eyes. "Like shoes, clothes, and accessories."


She smacked his arm.

"Ow what was that for?"

"You're making fun of me."

We laughed at them.


It was just seconds before the last bell rang until it was officially summer.

The class counted down. "5...4...3...2...1..." the bell rang and then everyone shouted. "Seniors!"

Most people ran out of the class happily and I walked in the hallway looking for Jace. I saw him and he walked toward me. "Well I guess we're officially seniors!" he grinned.

"I know! Oh my gosh this is awesome!" I got so excited I jumped onto him and he caught me. I wrapped myself around him.

"Whoa that was unexpected." We grinned and kissed.

We saw Katie and Chris in the distance and walked over to them. They were standing next to my dad.

"Hey dad!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

Katie and my dad were grinning. "I've got some great news to tell you!" he said happily.

"What is it?" I beamed.

"I've got 4 tickets to go on a cruise for a week in July! Since it was originally going to be the three of us, including your mom, I had an extra one so I decided to tell Katie about it."

I grinned. "Oh my God that's amazing! Thank you so much dad!" I gave my dad a big hug.

"You're welcome kiddo."

"I'm so excited! I can't wait to go!" Katie exclaimed.

"Where will our cruise go?" I asked.

"The Bahamas, Aruba, and St. Thomas."

"Sounds amazing!"

"Hey why don't we have dinner at my house? I'll grill some hamburgers and what not. It'll be all good!" My dad grinned at everybody.

"Yeah that sounds awesome!" I exclaimed.

"It sure does," Katie said.

"I would love to come but I still have to pack," Chris said. "I'm leaving for London in a few days."

"Oh okay. I hope you have fun," my dad said.

Jace turned to me. "Looks like you're going to be doing something this summer after all," he said and grinned at me.

"Yup looks like it."

"Well it's officially summer and you all are seniors!" My dad exclaimed. "Let's start grilling those burgers."

Me, Jace, and Katie smiled and then went to my dad's house.

{Katie's new look!:}

{Katie's new look!:}

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A/N: So this story is completed, what did you all think of it? I was a little sad when I was done with it because I got attached to my characters ;(. This is my very first story I've written so I'm really proud of that. I edited this story so many times to try to make it as perfect as possible!

Also, what do you think of Katie's new look? I personally love them both! What do you think of Raven's parents getting back together? I think that's pretty neat!




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