32: Alone

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It didn't take long for me to fall into a routine while at the beach house. During the week my morning consisted of coffee and runs along the beach. In the afternoon I would head into town and hang out by the pier. In the evening I would come home and have dinner alone. Over the weekend Melanie made her way out to the beach house. I'm actually surprised at how well we got along. She was really great company to have around when she wasn't being uptight. She actually had a sense of humor and sarcastic attitude like mine. Which oddly enough made me miss May. Her not being here for me made me feel lonelier. "You ready?" Mel asked. She stood at the door way of the guest bedroom. I zip up my suitcase and nod. I look out the bay window by my bed and sigh. I was going to miss this place. It defiantly was peaceful. I think what I'll miss most is waking up by the beach. I grab my suitcase off the bed and turn to face Mel. "Don't worry you can come up here as much as you want." She jokes. I smile at her softly. She turns leading the way out of the house. I trail along behind her. As she locks up the house I place my bag in the back seat. I could feel the warmth of the sun on my shoulders. I close my eyes taking a deep breath trying to savor the peacefulness for a moment. I open my eyes when I hear Mel walking towards the car. I open the door and slide into the passenger seat. I don't even know if Brandon is home yet. I was really hoping that he wasn't. Mel starts the car and back out of the driveway. She rolls down the windows letting the warm air come into the car. I start to mess with the station as we head back into town. I settle on the indie station since nothing else was playing. I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. It felt like I was just waking up from a dream. Nothing felt the same. Not the life that I knew. I thought Mason was the person I would eventually spend the rest of my life with. He never treated me badly. Yes we argued but what couple didn't? So why wasn't I good enough? I was faithful to him. I loved him. I never betrayed his trust the way he betrayed mine. I couldn't stop the questions from swirling around in my head. Maybe it was because I'm not pretty enough. I'm not enough. He wanted more. Something better. I shake my head and open my eyes. All I seen was his stupid face in my head. That guilty look. I hated him. I hated him because I still felt something for him. Something that was still holding on. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize we were home until Mel pulled up to my house. Brandon's car was still gone. I stare at the house for a few moments. "Is it to late to go back?" I whisper. Mel nods her head softly. "I'm afraid so." She replies in the same tone. I sit in the front see for a few moments then sign. I unbuckle my seat belt and climb out. I grab my suitcase for the back seat. "I'll see you at school tomorrow." Mel said. I nod my head. "Okay," I agree. She gives me a reassuring smile. I close the car door and head towards the house entrance. I grab my keys from my bag and shove them into the lock. When I step into the house it was quiet. In a weird way. I close and lock the door behind me. I hang my keys on the hook. The house smelled like flowers. It was a strange smell considering the boys were slobs. Oddly enough the house looked clean. I kicked off my shoes and grab my suitcase heading to my room. When I open my door my heart nearly stopped. My floor was covered with red roses. On my bed was a large white bear with a pink envelope beside it. I hesitate walking into my room. I grab the envelope from my head and pull it open.
Baby, I know I screwed up. I know that I misplaced your trust. I have no excuse to what I have done. I was an asshole. I want things to be the way that they used to be. When we were in love. I do love you, Sav. You're the best thing to happen to me. I hope that this shows you a small piece of the effort I'm going to make to win you back. With all my love, Mason.
I stare at his sloppy handwriting trying to process what I was reading. Judging by how fresh the flowers are he must have been here today. I throw the card back on the bed. Why couldn't he leave me alone. I turn going to my desk. I grab a pair of scissors from the drawer. In a fit of rage I end up cutting open the bear and scattering the stuffing all around my floor. I scream throwing the stupid scissors across the room. "You stupid asshole! Why can't you leave me alone?" I start to sob. I fall to my knees trying to catch my breath. He wanted me like this. He wanted to play games. I knew he was still with Olivia. I seen them together. So why couldn't he just be with her? I sit up hastily wiping my eyes. I run downstairs grabbing a trash bag. When I return to my room I shove the bear stuffing and roses into the bag. I tie the bag up and leave it by my closet door. The dismantled bear sat on my bed. It was missing an eye and its stomach was all cut open. I force myself to look away from the bear. My ears perk when I hear the door open. Laughter fills the house. Colton and Brandon where home. I could hear May's voice in the background. I wipe my eyes completely. "I think she might be upstairs." Brandon said to someone else. "Vannah?" Brandon calls. I look out my window to see Mason's car in the drive. That stupid fucker. He showed up here. Good, he can take his stuff back. I grab the bear and the bag setting them by the stairs. Looking down I could see Mason. He stood in front of Brandon. May was beside him and Colton was off to the side. "Hey," Mason says. I glare down at him. "Did you get my gifts?" He asks. I nod my head. I grab them from the floor and throw them down at him. They hit him in the stomach. May gasps at me. "What the hell, Savannah?" Brandon snapped. I run down the stairs. "Get the hell out of my house." I ignore Brandon. Mason looks torn. His gifts on the floor by his feet. "What is going on?" Brandon asks. "Leave," I ignore him. Mason gives me a pleading look. "Savannah," He begs. He reached to touch me but I shove him. "Don't..you can't stop can you?" I shove him again. Brandon steps forward to stop me but I slap his hands away. "You have two seconds get out." I could feel my eyes water. I felt stupid because everyone was staring at us. Mason continued to sit there. "Just give me a moment to explain." Mason tries to reason with me. "No!" I start to cry. My voice cracks. I swear I could break his nose right now. "I don't want to hear your explication. I don't want anything from you. All I want is for you to leave." I shove him again. "Savannah," Brandon warns me. "No! Don't defend him." I snap. I wipe the tears away. Why wasn't he leaving? He stepped
towards me so I push him. Only I don't stop pushing him instead I start smacking him. I groan when I'm pulled away from him. Brandon holds me tightly. "Let me go!" I scream. Mason tries talking to me but I can't hear him. Suddenly I'm being carried upstairs by Colton. I felt myself break down again. I couldn't stop sobbing. Not long enough for me to breath. Colton sat me down on his bed. He crouched down in front of me. "Hey, breath it's okay." He whispered. I tried to take a deep breath. He touched my face wiping away the tears. Which only made me cry more. "Talk to me. What's going on?" He asks. I shake my head. I couldn't talk. I didn't want to talk. "Just..hold me..please." I beg. He wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I clench onto his shirt and hide my face in his neck as I cried.

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