53: Prom

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The next few weeks became chaotic as we came closer to the school year ending. Both Brandon got accepted to Brown University. May also applied and got accepted. I was happy for them. I had gotten my acceptance letter to New York Art Academy two nights ago. I tried to find the perfect moment to tell Colton but I didn't want to ruin the moment. We were getting along. Everything was finally going smoothly. I knew I'd have to tell him soon.

"You almost ready?" Mel asks drawing me out of my thoughts. I turn to smile at her. "Oh, wow," I say. She looked beautiful in her ruby red dress. Her hair was styled neatly away from her face. "I know! It's a lot of work to be this hot." She jokes. We both laugh at her joke but I nod in agreement. "Do you need help getting into your dress?" She asks. I nod putting down my makeup brush. She turns helping me step into my dress. I adjust the straps as she tightens the lace in the back. "Colton is going to lose his mind when he sees you." She states. I laugh. I was nervous to see Colton. I run my hands over the lace material of the dress as Mel helps with the finishing touches. I smile at the thought of our friendship. If Mel hadn't told me about Mason I would have missed out on Colton. I wouldn't be with someone who truly loved me. Despite our rocky relationship, she looked out for me. "Hey, Mel," I say turning to face her. She looks at me with a serious look on her face. "What?" She asks nervously. "Thank you," I pause. "For being my friend. You've changed my life and I want you to know how much I appreciate you." I explain. A smile forms on her face. "I'll always be there for you. You're my best friend." She replies. I wrap my arms around her. She welcomes the embrace as she returns the gesture. "I love you, Mel," I say after a moment. She laughs pulling back. I notice her eyes watering. "I love you too. Now stop before you make me cry." She retorts fanning her face. I chuckle but nod in agreement.

A moment later the doorbell rings. "Oh, that must be the guys, lets go." Mel states. With one last glance, I walk into the hallway to see Colton dressed in a black tux. "Damn." He mumbled. His eyes looking over my body. I playful push his arm. "I could say the same to you. You clean up nice." I reply. He smiles as his hand finds mine. "Have I told you how much I love you?" He asks. He leans down to kiss me. "Mmm, could you remind me again?" I whisper. My lips met his. He kissed me tenderly before letting me go. "I love you." He said softly. I open my mouth to reply when I heard my parents yell for us. "To be continued," I say. We walk down the steps to see May standing beside Brandon. She was dressed in a black mermaid dress. Her hair curled softly. Behind them stood Mel with Brandon. "Picture time!" My mother cheered. Brandon rolls his eyes but smiles. "Let's get this over with." I retort following them into the living room. After a variety of poses and pictures, my parents finally let us leave. We step outside to see a limo in the road waiting for us. "Who rented the limo?" Colton asks. "My parents went all out. Now let's go." Mel speaks up. Adam opens the limo door letting her get in before following after her. Brandon and May follow. Colton holds the door for me. I settle into my seat as he slides in beside me.

As we arrive at the school the parking lot was full of students taking pictures and talking to friends. I held onto Colton's hand as we step out of the limo. We make our way inside to the gym that had been decorated with our school colors and streamers. "Do you want to get a drink?" Colton asks. I nod following beside him. We make our way to the punch bowl. He pours us each a drink before handing one to me. I bring the cup to my lips savoring the taste of punch. We turn towards the tables in the corner. I sit beside him. I watch as my fellow classmates enjoy themselves. My brother danced with May on the dance floor. It was crazy to think that this was one of the last moments we'd all spend together before graduation. After that, we'd all go on our own journey into adulthood. "Do you want to take a walk with me?" Colton whispered in my ear. I nod following behind him as he held my hand. We leave the gym walking down the hall that was nearly empty. We stop near a classroom door when he turns to face me.

"I got you something," Colton announces. He smiles as he pulls out a small box. He places it in my hand. I open the box to find a small silver necklace with a compass charm on it. Coltons initials are engraved in the center of the compass. "That way you'll have a piece of me with you at Art Academy," Colton spoke softly. I look up at him in surprise. Did he know? "I saw the acceptance letter stuffed in your bag. Why didn't you tell me?" He asks. I let myself relax for a moment. "I was scared," I admit. "Savannah, it doesn't matter to me. You could go to school across the country and I would still fight for you. I love you. I've always loved you and I always will. So no matter where you go or what you do I'll be there every step of the way. You're my best friend. You've supported me endlessly. I want to do that for you. I told you before we'll make this work one way or another." He explains. I felt my heart swell at his words. A small gasp left my lips as he kissed me. His hand pressed against my back holding me close to him. I wrap my arm around his neck as he deepens the kiss. After a moment he pulls back. "Will you dance with me?" He asks. I laugh lightly. "I would love nothing more," I reply. We walk back into the gym as they played a slow song.

I lay my head on Colton's shoulder thinking about how much has changed but how much has stayed the same. I thought about our future and what was in store for us. I was excited for the next step in my life. I knew with Colton by my side was ready to face anything.

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