Chapter 10

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"I just need time to think. And I need time to be able to trust you again. Bye Natsu."

Her voice rang through his head.

"Bye Natsu."

'Lucy.... I'm sorry.'

"Mr. Dragneel! I asked you a question." Natsu was brought out of his thoughts by his teacher. He stared at her, face blank and eyes wide.

"Uh, what was the question?" He asked, starring at the board to see numbers scribbled about. His classmates snickered as the teacher let out an annoyed sigh.

"I said, what is the square root of 841?"

"29." She seemed taken back by his rapid answer.

"V-Very good Mr. Dragneel. But on with the lesson. You plug the square root of-" But Natsu soon tuned her out as his mind drifted back to Lucy.


It was lunch and Lucy was, once again, no where to be found.

"Has anyone checked the library?" Erza asked.

"I think we should leave her be. If she wants to sit and eat with us, she would be here." Gray said, taking a bite out of his sandwich.

"Oh, by the way the club's tryouts are this week, wonder who's gonna make it this year." Gajeel said.

Fairy Tail high is known for their fighting club due to the fighters. Gajeel was know as the Iron Dragon. Mirajane known as the she-devil. Erza was know as Queen of the Fairies due to her elegance while fighting. Juvia is know as the water women because of the way she can move across the ring. Gray is the Ice Man because he can take any hit and not show any pain. And Natsu is known as Salamander due to his hot head while fighting.

Fairy Tail High was, you could say, one of the most feared schools in the Magnolia district.

Gray couldn't help but smile like an idiot, remembering the conversation he had with Lucy earlier that week.

"Hey Gray." Lucy greeted as he walked in her apartment.

"So, you given any thought to joining the fight club?" He asked, ignoring her greeting.

"Actually, yeah I really want to do it." She said with a smile.

"Wait, you actually want to do it?" Gray asked, very surprised to not her usual answer of I don't know.

"Yeah, I mean it's a new thing and I don't really like new things but I love fighting."

Gray smiled.

Everybody will be very surprised.


Lucy sat in the library, quietly eating while reading PaperTowns by John Green. She had never read this book because everyone read all of John Greens works, but the brilliance of his writing captivated her.

Lucy was about to turn the page when there was a tap on her shoulder. Setting her sandwich down, she looked at this stranger.

"Hi, sorry to be bothering you, but I was wondering if you could help me look for something?" The stranger asked while Lucy took in his features. His hair was a golden type of orange, the way the messiness of his hair caught the light made this illusion. His messy hair made it look like he had lion ears. His face was very chiseled and built. He had glasses that fit his face structure beautifully.

"Oh, um sure." Lucy answered quietly while setting her book down. He smiled, and something inside of her tingled.

'Just like Natsu'

"Sweet, do you know where the nonfiction books are?" He asked while the two stood up.

"Yeah, follow me." She smiled at him, leading the way to the back of the library. Even though Lucy hasn't been attending Fairy Tail High that long, she knew this place like the back of her hand.

"Names Loke by the way."


"Lucy? That's a pretty name." At this complement, Lucy's cheeks were covered in a light shade of pink.

"Here we are." Lucy said quietly as she stopped in front of the nonfiction books.

"You're really cute when you blush. And thanks. Let's meet up for coffee sometime." Loke said as he handed her a slip of paper that contained his phone number. Lucy blushed even more, hiding her face.

She nodded and turned around, hurrying back to eat her sandwich and squeal.

Lucy finally had a boy that was maybe interested in her.

But little does Lucy know, little does she know she's always had a boy that loves her.

He just doesn't quite know it yet.

But in due time my friend.

In due time.


Heyo, so I started writing a book based off of the one shot by the way. I will post it on February 14th. Hehe the day of love. But hope you enjoyed this and big announcement.

The amount of updates will slow down even more because of Track, Jazz band, and Steel drum practice.

My life has been very very crazy and busy lately so updates will slow down for a bit. Please understand. But u tip next time. Peace

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