Chapter Two - Hroombramantu

Start from the beginning

Jaax climbed once more to glide over a collection of tall hills but realized he was getting too carried away when he felt Jahrra stir against his neck and then begin to cry. He straightened himself out and fell into an easier drift and breathed deeply when he felt the baby settle comfortably against him again.

The edge of the Great Sloping Hill crept nearer, and after flying over the first few miles of its western edge, Jaax espied Hroombramantu waiting below, looking like a gray statue in the late afternoon light. The old dragon sat with a patience that only comes with age, barely moving his head to watch the descent of the much younger Jaax. He waited in front of a tiny little cottage which, when Jaax got a closer look, was actually situated on a small farm surrounded by orchard trees wedged between the house and the dark woods behind it.

Jaax missed, however, the soft smile on the other dragon's face as he watched him land gingerly upon the narrow dirt path trailing away from the small house. Jaax beat his wings vigorously, sending up clouds of dust and stray leaves. Once confident he'd done a good job of the landing, he turned and looked at the Korli dragon sitting only a few dozen yards away, smiling wryly.

The old dragon slowly rose and clambered towards the younger one, betraying the evidence of arthritis in his ailing joints.

"Raejaaxorix, it's been so long since I've seen you," Hroombramantu remarked in a deep, worn voice.

Despite the obvious struggle in his steps, he didn't appear feeble or delicate.

"Master Hroombra, it's good to see you out of your crumbled castle," Jaax commented, trying to mask the weariness in his own words with dry humor.

Hroombra chuckled and shook his great head. He looked different from the younger, stronger Jaax. He was a palette of blues and grays and had a great crest atop his head which was surrounded by sagging skin, both a sign of age and a trademark of the Korli race of dragons. His eyes looked like cool chunks of amber, full of wisdom and centuries of experience, and a few saber-like teeth protruded from his lower jaw to rest against his cheek.

As daunting as this dragon's appearance may have seemed, his eyes betrayed his kind soul, one that was slow to anger. His wings, great flaps of gray skin, showed the signs of many a battle fought hard and looked like they no longer could lift his stocky frame off the ground.

"Yes, well, I do get out as much as I can these days, especially this day," Hroombra said, answering Jaax's earlier comment. Then he added more lightly, "So, where is this human child you are supposed to have found?"

"Right here." Jaax shifted his wings with a quick smile, revealing the sleeping baby nestled just in front of his shoulder.

"Isn't that a wonder," replied Hroombra quietly, smiling widely and exposing many more jagged teeth.

"So this must be her new home now. . ." Jaax said, ignoring the shining admiration in the older dragon's voice. He was looking past Hroombra towards the old cottage.

"Oh yes, it belongs to a kind old Nesnan couple. They just lost their only child, one born in their later years," Hroombra explained, still gazing lovingly at Jahrra. "This young one will bring some comfort and love back into their lives and they'll be sure to return the favor."

"What sort of people are they?" Jaax inquired, shifting his wings casually against his back. "How do they make their living?"

"Their names are Abdhe and Lynhi," Hroombra began. "They are poor farmers who moved here from the plains of Torinn long ago during a severe drought. They bought this small patch of earth and have managed to grow a good grove of fruit trees which they depend on for most of their income. They tend a small family garden and raise some livestock, selling their homemade crafts at the markets at the annual festivals."

The Legend of Oescienne - The Finding (Book One of the Oescienne Series)Where stories live. Discover now