These are skills and lessons you should take with you for years to come. I know I did. The things I learned at my first Harrington Writing Convention are what helped my poetry collection Invariably succeed, " someone let out a cheer and I laughed into the mic. "I hope . . . I hope that--sorry, I just lost my train of thought. I wasn't expecting someone to actually cheer about my book as if it was Adele's new CD."

A few people including the professors laughed for a moment before I shook my head and began again, "Sorry, anyways, I sincerely hope that you all can find the same tools that I did and use them to your advantage because that it was this convention is all about. It is here to help you succeed in accomplishing those dreams people laughed at you about. And when you do, you can finally look at them and says 'Told you so'."

I felt like I was on top of the world when everyone in the room applauded. Usually I would go on a little further from here, but at this point I felt like I was going to pee on myself. I began to wrap things up after thanking the crowd. "So, before I go I was told earlier that there is a request for a little reading of my own work. Obviously I don't have my book in front of me, so I can't actually read anything, but, there is one poem that I know by heart. I actually wrote it during my convention, so I hope you will enjoy it," I took a sip of water on the podium. "It's entitled, Onyx."

I was surprised once again that a few people from the crowd actually cheered. It was as if I was playing a song rather than reading a poem. Now I really felt like a rockstar.

I cleared my throat once more before reciting the words ingrained in my heart and mind.

"Some will swoon for hazel
And others melt for jade
Nordic blue or maybe glacial
Blended browns of every shade

In truth, these tones are lovely
Yet another tempts me further
It is an onyx that I study
Black tears through me, a fervor

Claims me in entrapment
This charcoal fills my mind
As a fire, spreading rampant
Thick smoke leaving me blind

Innocent and wicked
Eyes of raven leave me mute
This craving you elicit
My own forbidden fruit

But something deep within them
Hints at a gentle mercy
No longer can I pretend
When at my seams, I'm bursting

Stones of your eyes, they draw me
Building pressure, then diffuse
Light and darkness most alarming
Though I try, cannot refuse

It is onyx, mostly taunted
Through my chest, this heartbeat thrums What I can't have, and all I've wanted
Is all wrapped into one"

I couldn't help but think of the source of the poem when I read it. My lips curled at the thought of the man with dark eyes.

When I finished, the room was silent for about a heartbeat until their applause filled the ballroom. I was astounded when I noticed they were not only clapping, but standing as well. I smiled at the crowd thanking them once more. When I could get a word in I informed that they can collect their daily schedule on the table in front of me.

Once they started moving I scrambled away looking for anything that resembles a bathroom. A few people tried to stop and talk to me but I told them I would return shortly and that I had business to attend to.

After my bladder didn't want to kill me anymore I returned to the ballroom as promised to answer any questions. But soon my time to shine was over, at least for now, and I could escape to my room. On my way to the elevator I remembered my promise I made earlier and checked my messages on my phone.

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