Umbridge's eyes widened in outrage.  I think everyone's eyes widened.  Mine certainly did.

"Guys, do you want to go to the lake?" Percy turned to his cousins.  "We've got some time to kill before our-most likely-double detentions."

"Why not?" Thalia shrugged.  "I don't like water, but your argument with Leonard was amusing."

"Leonard?" Nico gave Thalia a strange look.  "Volt for Brains, who is...?" Then he chuckled.  "It's the Giant Squid, isn't it?"

"How'd you figure that one out, Death Breath?  Did you lose a few brain cells that last time I electrocuted you?"

I have no words.  No words.

Nico shuddered.  "I'm going to get you back for that one!"

"Sure you are.  What's your step-mom going to turn you into next?  Angry pansies?"

I didn't think it was possible for someone's face to get that red.

"Guys," Percy intervened.  "Let's continue this highly stimulating conversation somewhere else."

"Why?  They don't care.  Right?" Thalia glared at all of us menacingly.  I don't think anyone ever shook their head faster in their lives than every head in that classroom.

Percy rolled his eyes, he and Nico exchanged a look, and they both dragged Thalia out the door by her ears, her screaming profanities at them the whole way.  And then the screams just seemed to vanish.

I looked at Ron and Hermione.  This certainly was interesting. And I had a feeling a lot of things would become much more interesting where Voldemort's grandson was concerned.


Third Person-

That night, if you were awake, listening to the silence, the dead of the night, you would have heard it.

The tears of anguish, the cried of desperation. The muffled whimpering of a hero who hid his pain from others. From his friends. From his family. From himself.

And if you were awake in the boy's dormitory of the Gryffindor Common Room, you'd hear it. The sound of a heart breaking. But if wasn't the hero whose heart broke.

It was the only other soul who could hear it. The only one awake. The only one who laid away in the dead of the night, torturing himself by imagining the tortured screams of his parents, poor souls who had slowly lost their minds.

But it was obvious to him that this person, this poor person, whose pain was just under the surface...this person had faced unfathomable horrors...this person was about to crack.

The the boy who laid awake, the one who heard it all...the muffled murmurs of pain, the shaking of the bed as he relived his absolute worst experiences...the one whose terrified scream pierced the air...

Vowed to help him.

Okay, the ending was sad, and quite dramatic, but you know it had to be done. Introduce Neville? Check. Continue plot concerning Gabe and or Tartarus? Double check.

Now, all that I need is the support from you guys. You guys are awesome, but why does everyone stop voting? From the first chapter to the last, the votes dropped, like, a hundred votes.

How did that even happen?

So, yeah. Please vote. Please comment. And please try and forget about Apollo's horrible poetry.

Hallelujah, I updated! Umbridge was introduced. The hag.

Well, honestly? I probably could have taken the lesson from the book. But, let's be honest, what fun would that be?

Copy from book, text it on my phone...just not as much fun as going right from the imagination, right? I thought about it, and figured that it would be better if I just did it my way and improvised. So that's what I'm doing. Oh, and I'm a lazy shit, so there is that too.

I'm sorry for not updating. I also give you a bunch of excuses. I could say my dog ate my homework, and I had to built an Ant Man suit to rescue my poor Algebra from my dog's bowels. That would certainly delay the update.

Or I can be blunt. I'm allelic to dogs, so that excuse is BS anyway. I could also say I was busy with work—which I am. Honestly, I'm on home tutoring at the moment because I apparently 'wasn't getting an education'. Well, I am in the bathroom most of the time, so I guess they're right, but still. It takes some stress off, and let's me get more sleep, thankfully, but I still got to do work, which I get, but it really isn't any easier. Excuse my language, but Crohn's disease is a real bitch. It does provide awesome T-shirts, though. I have one that says on the back 'Powered By Natural Gas'...cracks me up every time.

I just got way off topic, but...well, you know. Or maybe you don't. I'm not sure...anyway...

...So how's you guys like the chapter? And if you didn't like it...well, there is always the next chapter, right?

I've started a rant. It never ends. Especially with my brother. That guy can drone on forever, honestly...

See you guys next time.


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