Ch.2: The Gods Kingdom

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The men eyes are glaring at me as they try to see my face. I shake away the shiver in my spine and in my arms. I'm not sure if keeping the secret about the god people attacking will continue be a secret after this. I'm sure many, many people will be scare and even hurt. "Stop attacking the people," I said to them trying not to crack my voice.

    "Who is this girl?" ask one the men.

    "Who knows. Kill her if she stands in the way," another said.

    "Lower your powers!" I yell trying to use my powers. But it won't come out. Ena didn't tell me how to use my powers.

    "Why should we listen to you, little girl?" The men soon step towards me making me back up. Their eyes were filled with nothing but darkness. Sensing that want to kill me for real, my body shook in fear.

    "Lady Ena!" I heard my knights yell. Turning my heads toward them, they were rushing to my side. As they finally reached me, all of them form a line separating us.

    "Are you okay Lady Ena?" Amure ask with horror in her eyes.

    "I'm fine," I reply with shiver in my tone. The people were staring at us in a distance. Some of them were closing their eyes. I bet most of them want to know what's happening right now. Suddenly, harsh wind blew past us making my hoodie fell down. My raven hair expose out in the sun as cloak blew off my dress showing people the dress and jewels on my body.

    "That dress and those jewels. Is that the queen?" someone said out loud. Pretty soon the people around us were roaring my name. Some were bowing and some were yelling for us to defeat the enemy.

    " you're the queen, eh," said the men. He seem to be the leader of the group. Suddenly the ground shook and a it came out of the ground and into the air creating a wall coming towards us. Quickly Rijo and his crew block the ground, but that made each person scooted back.

    "Amure, protect the queen!" Rijo yell to her. Quickly Amure create a barrier around us. Just then, some knights were slash and blood was spill.

    "No!" I yell as I try to escape the barrier. But before I could, Amure quickly held me back. "No! Don't hurt them! They're my friends!" While yelling that out, memories flashes in my mind as I remember the moment they swore their loyalties to me. The time when they played with me in the gardens. The time they helped me escape the castle into the outside world. The time when they took care of me when I was sick. The time when they protected me from some attacks by the god people. The time when I met their loved one. The time they helped me control my power. The time they were my family. And I won't let anything hurt them! "Leave them alone!"

The words came out as they were summon by me. The words echo like magic glowing. The people in cloak did as I commanded and stop their attacks. The fallen knights regain their strength as they eye me with thanks. "We're fine, your highness. Please don't waste your breath over us," one of the fallen knight said. Red blood came down his mouth as he cough on them.

"S-so this is the power of voicetress eh," said the leader. Suddenly his eyes glow in redness as he stares into my eyes. My blood was rising and my body feel hot. Feeling fresh blood at my mouth and my nose. I cough out the blood as they touch the ground harshly.

"Lady Ena!" they all yell my name, even the citizens. But my body was shaking in fear, still I shook it away. Blood still came out my nose and mouth but thanks to that, I was able to get past the barrier.

"You who dare to injured my family, I will say this once and for all. You will never come back to this kingdom again! If you dare to, I shall take revenge with my own voice!" I command trying not to cough on blood. But as I finish my last words, my body grew heavy and my eyelids were heavy. Before I blacked out, I saw the leader had on an evil grin. That left me a horrifying thought in my mind. He did this on purpose. I heard people screaming my name over and over again as my eyelids gave up and closed. Blackness was all I can feel.

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