
Well the first part isn't...

I placed my hands down on Steven's shoulders for leverage as I pushed down on him, feeling his hands roam my body and rest on my ass.

He let out noises that would probably be embarrassing if I were even paying attention to him.

With one last drop, I heard him moan my name, which in any other circumstances would have made me leave right then and there, and settled down into his lap until he let go of me.

I've only given him two lap dances in the past, but I know that he doesn't want me to leave right away.

I'm just hoping his, uh, ejaculation doesn't get on my outfit. This one was my favorite.

It was blue shorts with little rhinestones dotted across the hem and blue heels with straps that laced all the way up my legs, almost the the bottoms of the barely-there shorts.

The bottoms had strings holding the sides together and tied like bathing suit bottoms.

On the end of each string was a tassel of rhinestones to match the shoes. It was cute and satiny and I liked it.

"Now get out on the floor slut," Steven patted my ass so I would get up, "You're on in 3 minutes,"

"Yes sir," I nodded as I left the room, checking for any stains on my shorts.

None, thank god.

I started walking down the hallway to find Louis, but stopped myself right before I turned the corner.

Shit. I'm dressed like a stripper.

And I don't have time to change before I go on stage.

Fuck FUCK fuck u k.

I took a deep breathe and retreated from the hallway, taking the stairs up to my platform instead. The floor to this stage is clear glass and can be seen from the lower decks when they have the covers off. And the covers are off.

"Hey Harry," Evan, one of the other dancers for tonight greeted as I stepped up onto the stage with the rest of the group.

The curtains where still drawn, and they wouldn't open for another five minutes, so nobody was really in their spots.

"Hi," I returned his smile. "How's it going? What's the house look like?"

"Full house, some are even standing in the back," he threw his arm around my shoulders and walked us towards the front-center of the stage where I'll be dancing.

Evan, like many of the other male dancers was straight.

Makes sense though, some of the others get a little, uh, excited during dances and can't finish.

And that makes customers unhappy.

And when customers are unhappy, Steven is unhappy.

And Stevens not nice when he's unhappy.

"Good luck tonight," Evan sent me a quick smile and a pat on the ass before sauntering over to his own position at back-left.

People have told me that he likes me, but a.) he's straight and b.) he doesn't really have a 'daddy' quality to him that I usually like.

I think he looks more like a flat chested girl honestly.

I closed my eyes as the next track started playing, the rhythmic beating of the bass accompanied by the quiet thrum of the curtains settling at the sides of the stage.

I opened my eyes just in time to look out into the crowd before the blinding lights shined up on the stage, right before my veins of the audience got cut out.

Right in the front, right next to a smirking Niall.

Louis Tomlinson sat in the audience.

I barely made it off the stage before I was retching over the nearest trash can.


Little outfit up top is what I based Harry's outfit off of. Just remove the top and make the bottoms a tad longer and that's pretty much it. I hope that picture doesn't get removed lol

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