Chapter 20

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Cas hadn't expected Dean back so soon and especially not now. And he definitely hadn't expected him to look so worried, so sad. But maybe the blonde was just sad about having to be back and away from that friend of his? One thing was for sure though – Dean hadn't come back for him.

The black-haired had to admit though that Dean looked better than before, healthier, happier, more content with his body and past. And definitely a lot more muscular than before which Cas had to admit. It looked so damn good and would make Cas swoon – hadn't he sworn himself that he would distance himself from Dean and stop himself from having feelings for the blonde. He knew he could never 'unlove' Dean but he had to try, he had to stay strong. He would be hurt in the end anyway, so better not postpone it.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Sam?" Cas asked, a bitter tone making his voice even more hateful than he had intended to. He knew that as soon as he saw Dean's face contort to a look of pain and hurt, to one of insecurity, of regret.

"I'm here because I want to see you, Cas... I missed you," Dean whispered, standing up again and turning away. He didn't want Cas to see how much his words had hurt him. "But it seems like you don't want to see me any more, god knows why," he added, unable to turn off the hurt tone in his voice. Dean didn't want to guilt trip the black-haired into talking to him, he wanted to talk to the other because he wanted to, not because he had to.

Cas noticed the hurt in Dean's voice and felt a pang of guilt – maybe the blonde really did want to see him and wanted to talk to him? But why?! Didn't he have his Percy?

Dean let his head hang down low but suddenly he straightened up again and turned around, facing Cas. "Can I tell you one last story at least? I won't bother you again after that, but please let me tell you that story, yeah?"

Cas was surprised by those words and nodded slightly, sitting up and mustering Dean intently. Whatever that story was he didn't want to hear it – not really. But he still wanted to listen to Dean talk and postpone their parting, he didn't want the blonde to leave. After all he was still egoistic and wanted what was good for him – but not exactly the best.

Dean sat down on the edge of the bed, looking at Cas, holding him there with his eyes. He looked determined, like he wanted to make Cas realize what had been happening – and that was his plan. This time nothing could hold him back from being happy with Cas.

"You remember the boy I told you about? Well, they moved around until he was 16. He had lost everything, well almost. He just had his brother but everything else was gone. The respect for himself, his appetite, his ability to smile, his will to survive. He couldn't let anyone notice, obviously, but he still didn't want to exist any more.

The time I want to tell you about is from where they had lived in the new house for about three weeks now. They hadn't unpacked anything, their bags still lying around. Neither the boy nor his brother felt the need to unpack, it wouldn't have any use.

This new place was different though. They had a pretty decent neighbour, one that always would give them something to eat – just in case. I guess she had noticed how thin those boys were, especially the older one. The boys were grateful for that and they liked that woman.

One day though their peace was disturbed by someone knocking on the door. The boy told his brother to go hide, wanting him safe from both the visitor and their father who didn't like when the boys opened the door for anyone. The boy opened the door though as he was sure his brother was upstairs and was greeted by their neighbour and a police officer – she had called the police because she suspected the boys to be abused which was true.

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