Chapter 12

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Castiel's P.O.V.

I never have been more happy to hear that rather annoying beeping of the machines that showed Dean's heart activities. I guess Sam was feeling the same because instead of showing any interest in that monitor he just stared at Dean in awe, just like he couldn't believe that his older brother was still breathing, that he would still have time he could spend with his brother.

Not that that was just Sam's source of happiness at this moment, it was mine too. I had thought that I would never see my best friend breathing again, see him smiling, laughing, happy, that I would see his body in a casket and then never again. He must have had at least 10 guardian angels, maybe even more. I wasn't the most religious type, even if my name may would make you think that and the way I've been raised, but now I couldn't help but thank God for not taking Dean and letting him live.

And I meant it. Even though Dean wouldn't wake up for at least another 2 days, I was pretty sure he would wake up. He was a fighter, stronger than anyone else I knew and definitely too stubborn to just die and leave his brother. I mean, it wasn't sure whether he would survive or not but I just knew that he wouldn't die, that he would wake up. If he just survived the night the chances that he wouldn't make it were so low that you could forget about that possibility – thank God.

"I'll just go out and get some coffee, do you want anything?" I suddenly asked, feeling like Sam would need a moment alone, like he wanted to 'speak' with Dean and who was I to deny him that wish? They were family, blood related, and I was just another friend. Normally I wouldn't even be allowed in here but somehow I still got to go to Dean's room, still got to see my best friend – probably just because Sam had stared at the nurse until she caved in and let me see Dean.

Sam's head jerked up as I broke the silence and looked at me with wide eyes, probably having forgotten that I was still in the room with him but then he shook his head and smiled thankfully. "No, thanks.. But.. you don't know how thankful I am that we met you, you know? Without you he would probably be dead and I would be alone with no family left.. Maybe having a jerk as a dad had had a purpose, maybe it was written in our fates that we met you."

I was honestly shocked by his words, never having thought that any twelve year old would be able to use their words so well but after all it was Sam I was talking about – that boy could use more intelligent words than I and I was already well-articulated.

"Sam, you're welcome and seriously, you don't have to feel the need to thank me, I saved him because he is my best friend and.. probably because I'm selfish, you know?" I told him, smiling slightly. I meant what I said, I had had my reasons. If it had been anyone else that wasn't Dean, I wouldn't have acted that fast or even cared but after all it had been Dean. He just had that importance that even I couldn't understand but I was glad that I had him.

Sam sighed and nodded slightly, looking back to Dean. "Sometimes you just have to be selfish..." He whispered and sighed softly, closing his eyes. "But you still saved him and therefore I will never be able to repay you." He added quietly, leaving me shocked. "Sam, you don't have to repay me, I already told you that I did all of this for my own, selfish reasons. If you want to see it that way, Dean being alive is all the payment I need, alright?" I answered truthfully, not wanting Sam to hold on to that stupid idea of his. Yes, I saved Dean but not to be repaid with something I didn't even need or want anyways but to be rewarded with my best friend still being able to talk to me, breathing and just being alive.

"Jeez, I understand why you two are so good friends, both of you are too stubborn to talk to," he huffed under his breath, pouting slightly. I knew he wasn't really mad, he was just annoyed but it still was kind of entertaining to watch him. "Anyways, didn't you want to get some coffee or something?" He added more quietly and definitely a lot calmer. I just nodded and walked over to the door, hesitating there and looking back one last time. "You sure you want nothing?"

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