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"One's true worth shows as hardship increases." - Kotomine Risei

"Whatever you do, enjoy it to the fullest. Thats is the secret of life." -

"If you act only on what you should do without heed for what you want to do, you're nothing more than a machine, a phenomenon." - Natalia Kaminski

"I shall grieve, and I shall weep. But I shall never regret." - Rider

"Choosing your calling based solely on your talents won't always guarantee you happiness." - Natalia Kaminski

"Using a simple method to accomplish something impressive, far outshines using a complex method to achieve the same thing." - Rider

"Why must you insist on defining joy so narrowly? Where is the paradox in finding suffering and tragedy but other forms of pleasure? There is no one fixed type of joy. Your confusion derives from your failure to understand that." - Gilgamesh

"The inferiority you feel is actually a quality of a conqueror. You may grumble a lot, but you know how small you are. And yet you still struggle to reach heights greater than you can imagine. - Rider

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