Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next

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"You know what, I wish I could give everyone a happy ending. But life isn't some romantic anime and I can't fix what's wrong in life stumbling around being oblivious and nice all the time." - Kodaka Hasegawa

"It makes you sad when someone suddenly just up and disappears without a word. If you're just going to end up hurt in the end, you're better off not forming any bonds at all." - Yozora Mikazuki

"You don't need to make a hundred friends. Just make real friends that you care about a hundred times as much. Even if you only have one, so long as they're a friend you really care about." - Yozora Mikazuki

"You don't like being lonely, but you're afraid of people expressing their affection towards you. You pretend not to notice. You run away. You brush it off. You cover up. You reject. You even lie to yourself, convincing yourself that no one has any feelings for you." - Rika Shiguma

"Humans love hurting others when they can't be hurt themselves. Like killing animals, or flaming people online. And if the target makes a mistake, it fans the flames even more, and the bully gets even more fun out of it." - Yozora Mikazuki

"When a girl changes her hairstyle you have to comment on it. Preferably, with a compliment." - Rika Shiguma

"As long as you're a true man in soul, you can be a true man, even if you're biologically female!" - Yozora Mikazuki

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