Soul Eater

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"I'll never show you my tears. These are the tears of those who died with regrets. If there's a way to take away these regrets, I'll make sure I'll find it. If it's fear that you speak of, then I'll stand and face it. I'll never give up. The only time I lose is when I die!" - Black Star

"I'm going to keep fighting until this world is the way it should be. Until the world is balanced." - Death The Kid

"People need fear to survive. We experience it so we can grow stronger." - Maka Albarn

"It's not that you don't know how to interact with people. It's just that no one ever came to interact with you." - Maka Albarn

"I want to protect my friends... I want to save the world... I don't believe it will work with just pretty words. Depending in how one looks at it, these feelings could be construed as insanity. What I need to aim at you right now is... A cool killing intent." - Death The Kid

"You don't understand anything, do you?! The most important thing isn't power, it isn't courage, it isn't even having friends! The only thing that matters is that you can rely on ME." - Black Star

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