Sketch #1

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Sketch #1


A short golden blonde haired boy climbed the big roots of the trees in the forest. His slanted blue eyes were curious of the adventure that lay ahead of him as he continued.

He heard a noise surround him that made him cautious, a hand going inside the small bag he owned. Once he believed it was nothing, he trekked on, humming a soft tune happily.

He stopped by a boulder and sat down, taking out some water to drink. He normally frequented that forest as it was close to his home, and he could work on his shinobi skills by himself without anybody pestering him.

Deidara was the boy's name. Once finished, he wiped his lip and gazed up at the sun through the trees that sheltered him, closing his eyes and smiling at the warmth.

That was, until he felt something wet hit his forehead. He immediately blinked his eyes open in surprise, but then realised it wasn't raining.

"Hah...?" He elongated the vowel and made a face, touching his forehead with his fingers. When he brought it back down, he saw it was red. The boy panicked when he saw blood - did he hit himself somewhere? Why was there blood on him?

Deidara stood up and took a few steps away from the boulder, trying to look over the top. He saw some movement and quickly jumped up to where it was, furiously wiping the blood off his forehead, making him look he had been sunburnt with the excessive rubbing.

The blonde held onto the string of his bag as he arrived at the apex of the boulder. It was somewhat flat, so ground was stable, but somebody was on top.

Deidara noted that the person wore a set of dirty clothes, and had short brown hair that was quite messy. It wasn't the fact that there was dirt and grime smudged all on the person's face that made Deidara frightened, but rather the hands and feet of the person were all bloody. That person's golden coloured eyes were the same shade as Deidara's hair and stood out on their face, big and curious.

"Why are you bleeding? Did you get hurt, hm?" Deidara kneeled down and took out some bandages from his bag. He was going to use them on himself but considering that person looked worse off than he was, he decided it was for the better.

The person shook their head, inching away from Deidara. Once they moved, the blonde boy noticed that the ground was covered with pictures, but all drawn in blood.

His mouth went dry and he gulped thickly, feeling the bloody smell suddenly hit him like a kick in the groin.

"Wha...did you draw these all yourself, un?" Deidara managed to ask. He was an artist himself and appreciated all forms of art, but this was quite extreme, and the amount of blood used wasn't something to be proud of.

"I...I drew these." The injured person nodded their head slowly and stared at Deidara in curiosity. "Who...are you?" Their voice was soft.

"Name's Deidara. What about yours, hm?" The blonde took a couple of steps forward but stopped when the other inched back, dangerously near the edge of the boulder.

If I go any further he'll fall, un...Deidara thought. He stayed rooted to his spot, expectantly waiting for an answer.

" name is...Rina." The child dragged their fingers against a previously made blood drawing.

"Rina, hm..." Deidara thought for a moment, wondering why a boy would have such a cutesy name. But then it came to him, unsuspecting as he was. "YOU'RE A GIRL, UN?!"

Rina flinched at the loudness of his voice and squeezed her eyes shut, opening one eye at the blonde before finding that it was safe and that he wasn't going to attack her, then opened the other eye.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, un." Dei apologized, sitting on the ground. He stared at her for a long moment, wondering why she was doing what she was doing. "Do you like drawing, Rina, hm?"

Rina crossed her legs and nodded her head slowly, smiling. "Drawing! But it hurts to draw with blood...but it can't be helped."

"What do you mean it can't be helped, hm?" The male raised a brow and frowned, "You can die from blood loss, you know, un."

"...die from blood loss?" Rina tilted her head slightly, thinking, "But I haven't died yet..."

"No, no, I mean when you do it too much, un." Dei sighed and placed the bandages in front of him. "Anyway, you're bleeding. Can you come over here so that I can put bandages on your hands and legs? It'll help them heal, un."

"Bandages..." Rina mumbled, staring at the medical material. She was like a sloth, taking her time to go near the blonde.

Dei stared at her with a sweat drop. He didn't understand why she was acting this way - it was like she was coming in for a meal and he was the prey. Except she wouldn't be eating him.

"I won't hurt you, hm." Deidara held up the bandages.

Rina crawled over to him, scratching her knees slightly in the process. Dei fixed her up there, expertly wrapping the bandages around her wounded fingers and toes.

"There! All done, un!" He wiped imaginary sweat off his forehead.

Rina was amazed and kept moving her fingers, testing out the material that wrapped her skin. "This feels...weird."

"It will help you heal, hm." Dei rummaged through his bag and took out 2 things - a sketchbook and a pen. He placed them on the ground and pushed it towards Rina. He was a little annoyed that he was giving up his sketchbook, but he forced himself to think it was for a good cause.

"What's...this?" Rina asked, taking the 2 objects. She looked at them with pure curiosity, making Deidara wonder what era she was from.

"The big one's a sketchbook, yeah. The small one is a pen. You can draw in the sketchbook with the pen, un." He explained. "It's better than using your blood to draw - it doesn't hurt and you can keep your work, yeah!"

Rina tried out the pen on paper, her eyes widening with amazement when she managed to draw a line. "Cool...!"

"Heh, isn't it? You can have that! It's a gift from me to you! Show me some drawings next time we meet, yeah!" Deidara grinned. "I need to go do some training now, so I have to go. See ya, Rina, hm!"

Rina returned a wave hesitantly when Dei waved at her. She smiled at the sketchbook and pressed it to her lips, giving it a small kiss.

"I will draw...something good!"

Deidara sighed and leaned against a tree. He shook his head, remembering the kinds of drawings that Rina had on the boulder.

Rina wasn't just any ordinary artist. She was on a completely different level.

"She should only be my age...yet how come she can already draw a battlefield full of detail and precision, hm?"

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