Nice to meet you // 5

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It has been an hard 2 hours of crying and screaming. Lauren had came over to see how I was holding up. 

"Are you okay ?" Lauren asked in a concerning tone .

" Yeah, I'll be fine." ....

"If you're not ready, we don't have to go to LA. " Lauren suggested .

"No! I want to go!" I said, trying to hold back my tears.

-------------------10Mins later of comforting--------------------- 
"Everything packed? " Lauren asked.

"Yeah, everything." I said 

We both stepped out of my house saying bye to my parents and waited for the uber.  

It has been a long 35 minute drive to the airport and we finally made it. The whole drive here was horrible, it was hot and stuffy.  The traffic was super bad and the uber driver was being quite rude. I'm glad that we got here atleast. I took out my phone to check when my plane was going to abort and it said in 5 minutes! 

I ran into the gift shop and grabbed Lauren by the arm. "We got to go! The plane is leaving in 5 minutes!!" I said dragging her away from the gifts. "Wait...wait look at this!" she said. 

We got out our passport and plane tickets, took our suite cases and ran to the boarding area.  As I was running, not paying attention. I bumped into this boy, dropping my things. 

"Ow" I said hurried, picking up my passport and ticket pass. 

"Sh!t Are you okay?! I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?! " the boy asked, lending me a hand. 

"I'm fine." I said, not paying attention. I was too busy checking if I lost anything not hearing what he had asked me. 

"My name is Matt. What's your name?" he asked again, waving a hand in my face. 

"My name is Kylie" I answered, finally looking up and we both stared into each other's eyes for a minute. 

"KYLIE HURRY UP." Lauren shouted, breaking our stare. 

"I'm coming ." I said, smiling at Matt then leaving. 

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