Chapter ten

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After coming home to an apartment that made a rubbish tip look clean, I pondered over the state of Lilly: was she awake, was she asleep, was she hungover and, most importantly, can she remember my little disappearance from last night?

After five minutes of contemplating whether I should leave or not, I decided to go to my room and pretend to sleep.  I normally wouldn't have even thought about lying to Lilly - this makes me sound like our friendship was as beautiful as every Disney Pixar film created, it really wasn't like that - however, I recalled her proposing that I should talk to her terribly flirtatious brother!

Another hour passed and I was starting to wonder about Theo's current activity - was he still asleep, was he eating, reading, writing, exercising but the biggest thing, was he thinking about me? 

Lilly made a recognizable noise that indicated she was awfully hungover and it was at that moment I had a small amount of hope that she would not be able to coherently remember events from last night! The truth is, I wanted her to be safe and everything but I truly didn't want her making uneducated accusations after learning my whereabouts from last night!

"Morning!" I started the conversation strongly aware that within the next twenty minutes I would have to let her down slowly and explain that I indeed will not be her sister-in-law! 

"Morning." She seemed to finish the sentence, abruptly. 

Despite her obvious attempt to finish our conversation, I carried on predominately aware that I wanted to tell her about Theo. 

"So, I met somebody last night..." Well done Mia, way to let her down easily - especially considering she was ill and hungover.  

She seemed to wake up really quickly! "I love you! We're going to be sisters! I knew it was a good idea to mention your name to my big brother! Your're going to be my big sis-" 

"Woah..." I cut her off! 

"Oh yeah... You just got together, you won't be getting married yet... Unless you wanted to because you're that in love! This is AMAZING!!!" She announced - a bit too exaggeratedly!

"Erm... Lil... I don't know how to tell you this but I didn't talk to your brother last night! I don't even remember him being at the party..." This is where she surprised me a little bit.

"Who was it then because seems like he put you in an amazing mood therefore he must be better than my brother... You always seemed a bit distant from him." I was utterly confused with her statement! First, she accepts that I don't want to be with her brother. Next, she admits that she identified my dislike towards her brother and is okay with it! 

"Theo..." I presented his name with extreme hesitation as she knows he is her brother's roommate!

"That's so cool! He's Australian!"

"I know..." I replied sadly. 

"What's so bad with Australians?"

"Absolutely nothing! It's just he lives so far away - one of us would have to move away from everything we have ever known..."

"It'll be okay!"

"I guess." I looked towards the tiled floor that was still messy from last night! 

"He's still here for another two weeks! Maybe in two weeks you can fall utterly, desperately, ironically, beautifully in love! Maybe one of you will want to move because a lot can happen in one day! Therefore, lots of things can happen and have an affect on you in two weeks! Stop being so cynical!"

Lilly never really gave me advise because she thought that she wasn't smart enough! The truth is, she really is! 

"Thank you!" I started, "Since when did you build up confidence to give amazing advise that you always have had but never shared?" 

"Somethings are too important to sit back on!"                                                                              

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