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I was tagged twice however it took me a while to get around to the first one......so here it it.
BTW I have no clue what I am doing. Seriously. No clue.


You must post all rules

You must tag 13 people

Each person must answer your 13 questions

Answer the questions assigned to you and make up ones for the people you tag.

You can't say you don't do tags, but if you don't want to then that's fine.

NeverEndingMemories Questions:

If your could be any animal what would you be?

Uh....Either a wolf or a type of feline....or maybe a type of bird.

What are most afraid of?

Dying or losing more people close to me.

If you could go to any place in the world where would you go?

That's easy Israel.

Daytime or nighttime?

Both. That depends on my mood.

Favorite quote?

Anything in this book.

If you had the chance to live forever would you take it?


What's something that you find attractive?

I don't understand this question.

What's your worst pet peeve?

That's hard to answer.....I don't know...I have a few.

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

That's personal.

Sweet or Spicy?


What's your favorite anime or tv show?

There's to many....way to many.

If you could live in any world from any anime or tv show, where would you live?

I don't know. There are a few places.

What's your dream job?

To be a nurse for the ER or the army.

Here are my questions:

1. What is your option on tags?

2. If you could change the world how would you?

3. Sci Fi or Fantasy?

4. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

5. If a tree falls in the forest and it falls on a mime dose anyone care?

6. Would you rather be parodied for the rest of your life or be trapped with a spider not knowing where it is?

7. Do you call it Pop or Soda?

8. Favorite book?

9. Craziest things that ever happened to you?

10. Meat or dairy?

11. How random are these questions?

12. What is your lucky number?

13. If you could have any number of books how many would it be?

Here are the people I tag:














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