I'm Only Protecting You

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The room didn't look run down, or abandoned. There was a nightstand next to me with a phone and a few drawers beneath it. The room was fairly large, like what would be in a mansion or something. A bathroom was on the other side of the room and a sofa was set near a large door. I got up, holding the side of my head and walked towards the door, my hand not holding my head on the knob. Locked...

"Fuck" I said softly. I walked over to the bathroom and turned the knob, the door complying and opening. I raised an eyebrow and walked in. There was a large claw foot bathtub and shower near eachother, with a toilet and sink. "What the hell..." I said, running my hands across the counter top of the sink, then looked at the mirror. I had dark circles under my eyes. My hair was disheveled and I was in the same clothes I was wearing before I passed out.

Before I passed out.....

"O-oh my god" I said, louder than I had expected it to be. I stumbled out of the bathroom, imaged flashing through my mind of what had happened earlier. Hell hounds, Dean and Sam, Crowley, Him...
Who was that man? The one from my dream. I didn't catch his name, I had woken up before hearing it...Where am I.

No windows to look out of, nowhere to go, I have to find the boys. I backed into the farthest corner of the room and started to cry, my headache getting worse. I needed to find the boys, but my body wouldn't let me get up. I was trapped in my own mind. This is how it was before the boys found me.

So lost, so traumatized by my parent's death. The demons that had almost killed me, but the boys had gotten to them first. They took me in only four years ago....it seems so long. I have to stay strong, for them. I can get out of this, I can find a way out-


I looked up through tear filled eyes, sniffling and rolled up in a ball in the corner.

"S-stay away from me. I don't know it's you"

"What do you mean? It's me, love"

"How do I know if it's you" I said, yelling at him. He walked closer and kneeled down near me.

"It's always been me, what are you going on about?" he ran the back of his hand down my arm, but I scooted away from him.

"The-the dream. It wasn't you. It was someone else, with different hair, different eyes, a- a different face"

"Was this earlier?" He stood up and I whined. I didn't know if it was truly him, but I still didn't want him to leave, not now. Crowley took an extra blanket off of the bed and he wrapped it around me. He sat down and took my hands in his. I hesitated but let him take them anyway.

"Yes. Or at least I think so. I'm not sure how long I've been out" I sniffled. I took one of my hands from his grasp and wiped the tears that were still on my face.

"Only for a while love, about a half an hour or so. What did the man look like in the dream?" he questioned.

"Blond-ish hair, blue eyes. Uh he wore jeans and a shirt with a button up. D-do you know him?"

"Lucifer" he said "Now it makes sense."

"Wait, Lucifer"

"Yup, the one and only. So he took that one lovely dream you had and twisted it to his hearts content. A dick move on his part" He pouted.

"I want to believe you....trust me, I do. I need you to elaborate more though."

"Your wish is my command" He snapped his fingers and I vanished.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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