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Hannah was not happy. Of course she wasn't depressed or anything and work was going really well.

But Ingrid wasn't here and that sucked.
Hannah was a selfmade woman. Something she was very proud of, and rightfully so.
She was also a nomad. At least she used to be. But Ingrid had become her home and safe haven in only the few months that they had been together.

And Ingrid was not with her, she was an ocean away, in London.

Hannah was very proud of her girlfriend but that didn't change the fact that the blonde felt lost without her.

And of course they skyped and called and texted back and fort, but Hannah missed holding her.
She missed kissing her, seeing her bedhead in the mornings and her sexy smirk at night in bed.

Hannah slowly but certainly found out that she couldn't really function properly without her love.

The thought scared her. Hannah had never felt the need to be with someone so bad that she thought she wouldn't make it without them.

Because Hannah was confused she did what she always does whenever life confuses her.
Ask Grace and Mamrie.

She quickly send out a text asking for a meet up.

Grace immediately send back, that they could meet up at her place and to bring booze because she had run out.

Hannah leaped of the couch and ran out the door, impatient for her friends' advice.


"Hannah, you're an idiot." Grace didn't even blink when giving her response to Hannah's story.

"How am I an idiot?" Hannah was slightly insulted by her friend's remark.

"I'm not sorry to say that Grace is right, short one. You are acting like an idiot."
Mamrie's helping words were not helpfull at all.

"Hey, I called you for advice not to be insulted. But thanks for nothing."
Hannah wanted to get up and leave but she was pulled back on to the couch by Grace.

"Hey, we don't mean it like that."

Grace sighed.

"I meant you need to look at this from a different perspective.
You love her, right?"

Hannah nodded.

"And she loved you right?"

Hannah looked insecure. "How would I now?"
Immediately she felt a sting where
Mamrie hit her on the head.

"See, this is why you are an idiot. You are lucky you have us to help you.

Ingrid loved you, okay? We can all see that and you could too if you stopped feeling so incredibly insecure."

Grace had been nodding along with Mamrie's peptalk.

"Mamrie's right. You miss Ingrid? Go to her, and tell her then. I promise you she would love to see you."

Hannah smiled. She knew it was a great idea to talk to her friends first, before deciding something.

"Okay, I need to book a ticket and pack my bags."


Grace and Mamrie who had been staring at Hannah expectantly, ready to hit her in the face with a pillow if some form of nonsense came out of her mouth, high fived, grinning all the way.


"Come on, Hannah. You can do this. You didn't fly here from half over the world to turn back know."

Hannah was giving herself a peptalk staring at her image in the wall of the elevator.
The flight to London was uneventful and dare she say boring. But now she was standing in the elevator of Ingrid's hotel and suddenly she wished she was still on the plane, where she apparently left her nerv.

The ping of the elevator interrupted her musings.

Taking a deep breath, Hannah knocked and held her breath waiting for a response.
Again she started doubting her actions, maybe coming here wasn't the best decision.

Ingrid opened the door and Hannah forgot the intire speech she had prepared at the sight of her girlfriend.

Ingrid seemed surprised and was starting to say her name when Hannah interrupted and blurred out,

"I love you."
Ingrid stared at her with her mouth wide open.

"I just thought that you should know."
Hannah scuffed the carpet with the toe of her booth, looking at the ground, blushing furiously.

A laugh bubbled up from Ingrid's throth and when Hannah looked up the brunette wrapped her arms around her and softly said in her ear, "I love you too", causing Hannah to grin widely.

Ingrid pulled back a little and kissed the blonde hard. She couldn't believe that Hannah had flown all the way from LA just to tell her that. Letting her happiness consume her, she grabbed her girlfriend's coat.

"This calls for celebration."

With those words Hannah gets pulled into the room, the door closing with a tud.

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