Tay still is angry at the fact that she has to marry this man but there's something about a guy that's protective of his woman and possessive when it comes to her. Possessive as in he cares, not on a, Michael Ealy in The Perfect Guy, level.

"I obviously expect you to cook and clean but I'm not expecting to come home every night to a home cooked meal because you have a life to. I already know that you have a job and I like a girl with her own hustle so you're winning in that area. By all means, keep your job, but just know that all the finances in our soon to be family will be handled by me." Zeon continued.

He went on to say some other things before he finally finished. Tayeisha tried to take everything in but if she forgets something, to fucking bad.

"My turn I guess. Well, I'm not expecting much seeing as I've never had a relationship to go off of. I guess I'm on the same page with you when it comes to trust and shit. Honestly, if you're going to be my husband, I just want you to be reliable and to keep it 100% all the time." Tayeisha shrugged. She can't expect much from a man she barely even knows.

"Tell me about you though. I've been going off of pictures for the last year." Zeon said sounding genuinely interested. He wants to get to know his future wife as much as possible.

"Well I'm 21 years old. My full name is Tayeisha Monica Peterson. I just graduated from Georgia State University. I'm an only child unfortunately. I'm obsessed with fashion, especially shoes. My favorite color is nude. I'm a mix of Trinidadian and Nigerian. My mom is was born in Nigeria and then moved here when she was 6. My dad was born and raised in Trinidad then moved to New York when he was 12. He moved down to Georgia when he was 16." Tayeisha said, going over the basic about herself.

"It's nice that I know some things about you and I'm sure I'll learn more during these next 58 days."

"What about you? What must I know about you?" Tay asked.

"Well, my full name is Zeon Rafael Bello. My dad is Cuban and my mom is African American. I graduated from Syracuse University in New York and I majored in business. I'm an only child right now but my mom is pregnant. My favorite color is black. I love any food that's homemade. Finally, I think that our kids are going to be beautiful seeing as we are both good looking." Zeon said, smirking at the end.

"I know I'm good looking but you...at least you're educated right?" Tay joked. Zeon chuckled, stroking his beard.

"That was cute. I already know in fine, so my feelings aren't hurt." He shrugged. Zeon couldn't help but smirk at Tay. She honestly is a beauty and he can tell she has a genuine heart.

"This was nice though. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to actually get to know me." Tayeisha said.

"No problem at all. I mean, if I can't make time for my wife then who can I make time for?" Zeon chuckled.

"Yeah...it's unfortunate that we have to go straight into marriage. We just skipped over the whole dating part and proposal. I've always wanted a proposal and now that's just out the door." Tay mumbled the last part.

Zeon started to think if he actually wanted to propose to Tay even though it doesn't really matter. He has to give her an engagement ring anyways so he might just do it right.

"We'll make it through. Soon, it'll feel less weird. We both just need time." Zeon said. He pulled out his wallet and put the money in the book thing, paying for their food. "The driver will take you right back to the house." Zeon got up and put his suit jacket back on.

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