These Manly Vampires Can't Handle The Word 'Bra'

Start from the beginning

“Your last names are Harris?”

“Your last name is Holt?” Clinton smirks.

I narrow my eyes. “Touché.” He chuckles, watching Charles and Bart fight with amusement. I get fed up with the two fighting, so I’m gonna end it. I mean, is this all they do? Is fight? It gets annoying after a while. I stand up from my seat, skipping over to the two boys on the ground.

“Get the hell of the floor, assholes or you can join Clinton in Spain!” I shout, smirking. They stop rolling around, and look up at me.

“We’re stronger than you Nora. I don’t think we have to listen to a 24 year old girl.” Charles smirks smugly.

“Girl?” I scoff, but then smirk wider. “Yeah, but I could slip a sleeping pill into your drink and send you off on a non stop plain to Spain, just like I did to Clinton’s drink.” I wave a hand at Clinton, who’s drinking some water. He freezes, lowers the glass showing his wide eyes, and spits out his water. Too bad I really didn’t out any sleeping pills into his drink.

Both boys scramble off the floor, Charles quickly moving away from me. Bart wraps an arm around my shoulder. “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” I reply.

I grab one of Edward’s blueberry muffins, while Charles does the same. “I love blueberry muffins.” We both say in unison. My eyes widen while Charles goes red again. He keeps doing that lately.

“You do? That’s so cool!” I smile, and all the other brothers, except Charles who’s still red, share a secretive chuckle, like they know something and I don’t. I narrow my eyes at them while spitting my muff out. “What did you do to the muffins?”

“Nothing! That’s not why we were laughing. We were laughing because you and Charles- OW!” Bart got cut off by Clinton smacking his back.

“Bartholomew, lets speak in the living room, shall we?” Clinton doesn’t wait for an answer, grabbing Bart by the collar and dragging him. Growling, I stuff the muffin into my mouth.

What’s the secret? I hate secrets. Just tell me already, I mean, what could be so bad that they cant tell me?

“Hey, Henry?”

“Yeah, Nora?”

“Can you take me to my house?” He raises an eyebrow so I add, “I need to get some of my stuff.”

“I’m not sure…maybe Clinton can take you.”

I nod then I narrow my eyes at him while he sips his coffee. “How did you get my bra size?”

He starts choking on his coffee, so I smirk at him. “W-what?”

“My bra size?” I repeat, and he starts choking again.

“I-I didn’t do that! Edward picked out your clothes!” He points to Edward who looks flushed.

I smirk again. “Well?”

“I just guessed! I didn’t know!…” He shift uncomfortably, and that’s when I cant take it anymore. I burst into laughter.

“Y-you two s-should see your f-faces!”

They both glare at me. “Not funny Nora!”

“Oh, it was! You guys cant even hand the word ‘bra’ without Henry choking and Edward’s face flushing, and how old are you two? Almost 200 years old?”

They both look around uncomfortably, making me laugh harder. Bart comes back in with Clinton behind him, and they see me laughing. “What’s so funny?”

I smile at them. “Can you guys handle the word ‘bra’?”

Clinton stares at me before going red, and Bart just shrugs. “Bra, bra, bra. Yeah. I can handle it.” Bart says proudly, making me re crack up in laughter. I glance over at Charles who is redder that Clinton, and I choke on my laughter. Real nice manly vampires we have here.

“I guess I’m the only real man here.” Bart puffs out his chest and grins. I giggle, biting into my muffin.

“Clinton, can you take me to my house to pick some things up?”

Clinton stares at me for a minute, trying to see if it’s a trick and I’m going to escape. “Sure. Let’s go.”


“No, in a year.” He rolls his eyes. “Why are you so calm now? A couple of days ago you were terrified of us.”

“I’m going to pretend I’m in a hotel or having a sleepover from now on. Only, this hotel or sleepover keeps me trapped here and won’t even let me see the sun.” I roll my eyes.

Bart grins. “You can go outside anytime you want! I mean, we’ll notice if your gone and you cant get very far with us around.” I nod, agreeing to what he said.

Charles inhales a sharp breath and closes his eyes. Once he opens them he’s staring directly at me, and groans. “I gotta go…somewhere. Clinton can you…ah?” Clinton already knows what he’s talking about and nods his head, both of them gone in a second.

“Where’d they go?”

“Nowhere Nora, eat your muffin.” Henry says in a stern tone.

“No! Where did they go?” I repeat, throwing my muffin down and glaring at Henry.

“Nora, please. We promise we’ll tell you later.” Edward says, almost begging.

Frowning, I nod my head. “Fine.” What is wrong with them? It’s getting really annoying and I’m gonna find out why.

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