chapter thirteen

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Antwone P.O.V

Wow ! Its been a whole month already, and my life has been okay. I mean I occupy my time with working and spending time with Destiny (Deshuwn Baby) and now that my best friend Kamron has moved in its makes it a lot better. I was at work checking on my last patient which made me happy because I tired these 12 hour shift has been killing me. I walked up to my patients room door and knocked.

Twone: hey Mrs. Banks , how's everything

Mrs.Banks: hey Nurse Brooks , I thought your shift was over.

Twone: hahaha, it is . I came by to see how you were, I know your tired .

Mrs.Banks: I am a little , the pain killers the doctor gave me after I gave birth has got me drowsy. Speaking of my baby were is she

Twone: yeah , it has that effect, but she's in the nursery getting some tested done.

Mrs.Banks: is everything okay Nurse

Twone: Mrs.banks everything is perfectly fine , you daughter just getting tested done to make sure she okay.

Mrs. Banks: thank you Nurse Brooks , your the best nurse I've had . You do more than you suppose to do.

Twone: I love my job and I love to take care of people . Well I gotta go I'll be back tomorrow night . You have a good rest of the day.

It really did make me happy to take care of people , bur it got stressful sometimes working and school . As I was walking to my car I felt something in my soul wasn't right but I just brushed it off. When I got in the car a face appeared in my mirror and scared the shit outta me .

Twone: What the hell !

Rico: shawty calm down , its just me.

Twone: Rico! Why you in my damn car ?

Rico: I mean what else am I suppose to do , you moved out without letting me know where, and you changed you number

Twone: Rico, I've move on and I think it's time for you too do the same.

Rico: Shawty don't do this, because I know you don't mean that. You remember that night when I said I love you forever, well I meant that.

Twone: you sure as hell didn't act like it . I mean did you stop to consider my feelings when you would come home at 2 and 3 in the morning, or how I would slave over a hot stove and not get any appreciation for it, or giving you my everything and not get shit in return. No, you didn't you were ashamed of me, and now that I'm not your maid anymore, you want me back. Nahh, can you just get the fuck out my car please

Rico: Shawty to be real yeah I was ashamed but I'm not anymore, and I didn't realize how you felt.

Twone: you never asked , now goodbye.

Rico: okay , I'll leave but note I always love you and that you've stole my heart baby.

And with that he left. I sat in the car for an hour and cried like a bitch. To say that I was over him would be a bold face lie. I missed his lips, love, and more importantly his dick. Yes , I'm dick drunk, but I never thought about it because I was or still am in love with Rico. I had to get home because I promise Destiny I would take her for ice cream then a amusement park before I went to work tomorrow. When I got home I saw Kamron and Brandon on the couch cuddling which made my depression worst. I smile and said hello when they spoke to me and ran upstairs. I laid my scrub for tomorrow on the ironing board and then got me some night clothes out. After my thirty minute shower I finished the rest of my hygiene and then I motioned my body. When I got in the bed I check my phone and I had gotten four text and few missed calls, some were from zaira and I knew it was destiny calling to make sure ibwas still coming to get her, I decided to call her back.

Zaira: hello

Twone: what's up z , how you doing ?

Zaira: I'm good Twone and you ?

Twone: tired , where my lol poop butt at ?

Zaira: she right here getting on my damn nerves asking questions

Twone: hahah, lemme speak to her.

Zaira: okay hol'up


I was now dropping Destiny off back at home and on my way to work. When i got their i had clocked in and got report from the other Nurses. My first patient was just here to know if she was pregnant or not. When I had walked in my heart dropped. Kamron......

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