chapter ten:

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------Rico P.O.V

I been at this hospital for a week straight, and Antwone still hasn't gotten out of his

coma . Without my Shawty hear I can't eat , I can't sleep , I can't even think straight . I miss

him so much , I miss the way his laugh would fill my heart with joy everytime, I missed his

cooking , I missed his soft lips , I especially miss cuddling because I was like his body fit

perfect in mine. Everyday I come and just sit and talk to Twone , just to let home know that

I'm hear for him . Kamron would also come everyday , she seem different with her more like

uneasy or guilty if you ask me. My thoughts were interrupted when a weak what's up Rico

came from Kamron , I said what's up and she grabbed a chair and sat next too me . We have

actually never talked , It's just complete silence . I thought since Twone was her bestfriend

and my baby , we should get to know eachother , but before I could open my mind she

started to cry.

Kamron: Twone , I'm so sorry *sniff* for everything. I should have told you that I was in the

dope game . I don't want to loose my bestfriend over bullshit . You were the only person who

was their was my popz died , you were their when I didn't have nobody to talk too . Please

wake up *sniff* I miss you so much.

All I could was hug Kamron , we shared the sane feelings toward Twone . It's like if he

died than so would our souls. Twone has changed my life so much , he got me thinking about

college, and he even got me to have a conversion with my 'father' after seven years.

Me: I miss him too Kamron, seeing him like this just does something to me each and


We sat their together and just cried , after a while we both got hungry so I left to get us

something to eat. On the way back to the hospital I decided it was time for me and Kamron to

talk. As I was walking in the room I could hear Kamron apologize for everything she's done.

Beofre she could say anything else I walked in and started to talk.

Me: It's not you fault Kamron , I was the only dealing with Tracey, I was the one Quanny

wanted dead, if it wasn't for me Twone wouldn't be in this bed.

After that we began to talk and eat , I was glad we was getting to know eachother . It

somehow made me feel closer to Twone. In the mist of us talking , we heard thus crackling

voice speak. When I turn around I saw Twone eyes open, my heart jumped for joy and it was

like my life began again.


The nurse came running in and took Twone's vitals and she was asking him question .

They asked us to stand outside until they were done. I was so happy , I knew God brought

him in my life for a reason. After 30 minutes I began to get worried again, then the nurse

finally came out and said Twone wanted me to come in. As I walked in , his smiled didn't look

weak nor did he look fragile anymore.

Antwone: Rico , cone give me a hug.

Rico: Shawty to get it 100 I don't want to hurt you

Antwone: Rico you want , just come here.

I ran over to hug him , it was like my bestfriend,lover, and my life was back

Antwone: Rico , I heard everything you said . I love you too baby , and I hope you meant it all

because I feel the same way.

Me: shawty I meant that and more.

After we talked for what seemed like hours , I left so Twone and Kamron could talk. They

need to put this aside and move foward. I just hope the can forgive eachother.

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