chapter twelve:

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Antwone P.O.V

for the last few weeks life has been simply. I mean Rico goes out all the time but he never invite's me. I'm starting to think he's ashamed if me. Kamron texted me saying she was coming over because we had too catch up , which was perfect timing because I need to vent to someone about my maybe problems.

-----Kamron P.O.V

I HATE SHIZZY ! first he bring this bitch into our house because he "inlove" , then he tried to fight my boyfriend Brandon because I was being honest and told him I was thinking about giving Brandon my V vard. Man , it's time I get my own place , and I think it would be a good idea if Twone comes to live with me . He has called me a few times talking about Rico and him not coming home and not staying home or some shit like that. When I was in the mist of my thoughts their was this loud ass banging on my room door


Shizzy: don't 'what the hell' me , where was to ass last night ?? I heard you try to sneak in . What the hell has gotten into you?

Kamron: shizzy you know what just go be with yo hoe , bye tomorrow when you wake up I'll be gone.

Shizzy: manee , don't do no stupid shit.

Kamron: get out my room and go back to that lol bitch of yours . What's her name again ?

Shizzy: why you playing ? You know her name . Jazzy!

Kamron: owe yeah ! Hahaha but anyway bye get out . I'm about to get dressed .

Once shizzy left . I got into the shower and took a thirty minute shower and did the rest of my hygiene. After I was finish lotioning up my body I put on this black Ralph Laruen Polo button up with a red strip bow tie, these red poke a dotted butty shorts , the new Jordan retro's and to top it off a Chicago bulls snapback. Once I was finished I took a couples and uploaded them too instagram . Now I was time for. Me to bounce. I jumped in my new all black Range Rover . It was about a twenty minute drive from my crib too Rico and Twone house. When I pulled up I didn't see Rico car which was good because I needed some real talk with Twone. When I was knocking on the door I smelt the food the Twone was cooking. I was happy as hell cause a bitch like me was hungry. When Twone opened the door he didn't look the same, like he haven't slept in days.

kamron: heyyyy boo!

Twone: hey kamron.

Kamron: Kamron?? Aitee what's up because you ain't called me kamron since we first met in the 8th grade.

Twone: I'm just tired . I mean Rico has been going out everyday ,coming home at 3 and 4 in the morning, and its like he's distancing himself from me and I don't know what too do.

kamron: Twone , he just needs some space. That's all.

Twone: maybe your right. So what you been up too.

Kamron: nothing really , I been spending a lot more time with Brandon since that hoe came into our lives.

Twone: Owe , you talking about mmmm..... Jazzy right?

Kamron: I guess that's that hoe name.

Twone. Haha you stupid . So you Brandon still going strong ?

Kamron : yes bitch 2 years in a couple of days . I think its time for me to finally give him my V card.

Twone: Owe shit ! My kammie bout to be a grown ass woman .

. Before I could say something else Rico had came in. He was acting very strange.

Twone: hey Rico

Rico: what's up Twone. You cook?

Twone: yeah , ribs greens macaroni and cheese and corn bread.

Rico: aitee ,and ayee I'm going out with slezz tonight

Twone. That's a shocker. Whatever.

I knew Twone was upset and I really felt sad for him.Rico didn't say anything he just took his food upstairs and went bout his business. " maybe it is time for me too move on" Twone said hanging head low. " Twone , no just give it some more time. Y'all two are meant for each other. " I said trying to convince Twone." well if he really loved me he would tell me what his problem. And I need space too..." Twone said.

kamron: what's that suppose to mean.

Twone: it means that I finally got my nursing license , a job , and I found me a fully furnished apartment on the other side of town. I just don't know,how to tell him.

karmon: well I can't stop. I just want you make the right decision. Talk to him first then, do what you gotta do.

Twone: thank you Kammie

kammie: anytime boopy. I'm go see my baby bye I love you Twone.

Twone: I love you too

------Antwone P.O.V

So many thoughts were running through my mind I didn't know what too do. I just got up and cleaned the house. Once I was finished Rico came down stairs looking good as hell. I guess he really was leaving back out. I didn't want him too but he a grown ass man and I can't stop him , and then all of sudden I hear the door shut. I know thus mother fucker didn't leave without telling me. You know what maybe it is time for me too leave. I got my phone and called the landlord for the apartment and told him I would take it. He said I could move in tomorrow and that's just what I was going to do. At this point I was so depressed, I cried , packed, got drunk , and cried some more. After a couple of hours all my stuff was in my car and ready to go. I decided to take a shower to wake me up a little bit. After I was finished showering I put a pair Hollister sweat pants with the matching shirt, some elite socks and my nike slides. I went down stairs to wait in Rico to get here. It was almost 8 o'clock in the morning when he got in and I was livid. I could smell the alcohol, weed, and the perfume. Before he could get all the way up the steps he jumped when he heard me.

Rico: damn shawty , you scared the shit outta me

Twone: yeah I bet you I did, listen we need too talk

Rico: I'm all ears

Twone: I'm moving out

Rico: Owee aitee

Twone: Aitee, hahaha. You know what fucked this. Goodbye Rico

And with that I walked out the door and drove off , not looking back.

CHAPTER. 12 . soryy it took so long

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