Chapter 11: The Moonlight Motel

Start from the beginning

Joseph reluctantly returned to the table. Soon all the food on his plate had disappeared. Aziz watched Joseph eat, then wordlessly pushed the other plate towards the linguist.

Joseph's eyebrows knitted together. "Why do I need to eat another?"

Aziz chuckled. "Have you seen yourself lately? You're just skin and bones. It's kind of disturbing."

Joseph frowned. Now that he thought about it, Joseph hadn't actually seen his reflection since before the whole drugging episode...

Joseph got up and went to the bathroom. The person who looked back at him in the mirror was nearly unrecognizable. Sure, Joseph still had black hair and blue eyes, but the eyes were dull and the hair was long and limp. Joseph pulled up his shirt. The linguist was startled when he could easily see and count his ribs. "Holy shit..."

"That's what a diet of nutrition through a needle does to you." Aziz was leaning against the bathroom door frame.

Joseph poked at his stomach, which now had a giant, fist-sized bruise. "Asshole." He muttered under his breath, scowling at nothing in particular.

The afrit let it slide, instead walking back into the main room. There was no couch, only a bed, dresser, small table and chairs. This is going to be interesting. Thought the demon. Hopefully he didn't end up on the floor.

Aziz sighed, looking back at the human who was still captivated by the mirror. Joseph's physical state was pathetic. Aziz was actually surprised that the linguist had been able to walk so far earlier that day. Though now that he thought about it, Joseph had probably been powered by sheer adrenaline... Aziz felt bad about hurting Joseph. But dammit, the linguist was stubborn, and furthermore, he didn't know what he was getting himself into, what with messing around with demons and gods.

Aziz shook his head.

Amazing how Joseph had already seemed to have let the episode pass...

Joseph was moving back towards the table, a bit disturbed looking. He wordlessly began eating again, mechanically shoving food into his mouth. Aziz waited until the linguist was halfway through the second plate. Then he said, "You don't want to make yourself throw up by overeating."

Joseph nodded, pushing the plate away. "I need a shower..." He said.

Aziz threw him a dufflebag and a towel. Joseph's eyebrows knitted, looking at the dufflebag in confusion.

"Change of clothes." Aziz explained.


"Leave your dirty clothes out here. I'm going to do a load of laundry."

Joseph nodded.

"And don't even think about leaving."

Joseph paused, looking at Aziz as a slightly panicked expression flashed across his face. Aziz smirked. So maybe the human wasn't so bull-headed after all.

Soon the afrit was outside with a bundle of clothing, having changed already, making his way towards the washer and dryer.

On the left side...

While waiting for the load to cycle, Aziz noticed some vending machines to the left of the dryer. Most of the food looked at least ten years old, but thankfully some were more recently stocked. Upon closer inspection, Aziz noticed there was chocolate.

The demon looked at the vending machine, still feeling guilty about making the linguist cry. But he had to. He couldn't've let the idiot human get himself killed, not with the Company holding hostage his- Aziz slammed his fist into the machine, warping the metal.

Don't think about it. It'll only make things harder.

Taking a deep breath, Aziz dug into his pocket, feeling for his wallet. He felt bad about punching Joseph... the guy was more like a kid.

...a freakishly smart, emaciated kid.

But a kid nonetheless!

Aziz decided he would give him some chocolate, (all the cocoa-based products already having mysteriously disappeared from both dufflebags). That would probably make the linguist happy.

Maybe he should stock up for bribery... Aziz smiled. This was going to work out well.

But before the laundry was done, the afrit began to feel a deep, gnawing hunger at the pit of his stomach.


He needed to eat, and soon. Aziz couldn't risk himself being hungry around Joseph.

Thinking about what he was going to do for only a minute, Aziz finally decided his course of action, quickly beginning to make his way towards the front of the check-in. The laundry would be a couple more minutes. Aziz had time to spare.

In the meantime... Hopefully that old man was still there.

* * *

Okay this chapter is kinda short... SORRY D: I just once again felt as though the natural flow of the story needed to stop here.

Yeah... well the next part is pretty freaky! O_o I was writing it at like 2 in the morning then I woke up and looked at my phone and was like 'WHEN THE FUCK DID I WRITE THIS??!' Then I read it and was like 'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME? MY MIND IS WARPED! This is genius.' o-o So I promise you this chapter is just the shitty calm before the awesome storm!! :D





jsi zlý teď!= you're a mean cur!

andare via= go away

oh cholernie= oh damn

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