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Meet Katniss, the girl who has never thought of having another relationship after her last one. She's just a normal person but everyone who has had a conversation with her likes her. Or everyone who simply sees her. She's flawless on the outside. But she has a past she doesn't want to look back to.

Now, meet Peeta. He's the outgoing type of person. People have mixed emotions towards him. A total jerk and player. Girls run after him but when they get to see the real side of him, it ends up with him getting another hand on the cheek.

Peeta's parents are having a new wedding for their goldenth year together. His parents expect him to come with someone. Not just someone though. He has to come with his girlfriend. Peeta has been nothing but good to his parents with every white lie he has said so he has to impress his parents with his girlfriend.

When you're stuck in a sticky situation, who do you run to when no one else is there for you?

Your enemy, of course.

Well, that was something.

Quite excited for this book. I've been planning on the plot for weeks. I'm not sure if it'll turn out as good as I imagined though. But I hope it will.

Hopefully the first chapter will be up tomorrow or later.

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Shirley xx

"I thought we were holding on, are we?"

[On Hold] The Relationship Pact ~ EverlarkWhere stories live. Discover now