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dear you,
you came by.
not the normal way
not the normal time

it was 2:15am
in the morning.
there was a tap on my balcony window.
and then another
and another
and another
and another
i woke up.
rubbing my eyes.
i looked towards the window.
you were there.
on the balcony.
my eyes widened.

groggily i climbed out of bed
almost tripping over.
unlocking the window
letting you in.

you engulfed me in your embrace.
not able to register what was going on.
" what are you doing here jisoo? "
i questioned,
voice raspy,
sleepiness evident.
" i was worried. " you said.
" you werent replying to any of my messages,
i thought you were sick or angry at me or something.
i couldnt fall asleep so, i came here. "
you rushed out.
cold air was rushing in
so i forced myself out of your embrace
and went to close the window.

i looked at you,
giving you a once over
you still looked really good,
wearing a black hoodie
and grey sweats
and those bags under your eyes
they made you look like a zombie.
but a good looking one at that.
seeing you made me realised
how much i really missed you
this 3 weeks 4 days.

i grabbed your hand
not saying anything.
they were cold.
i mustve taken you by surprise.
i dont usually make the first move
when in comes to skinship.
skinship between us.
but i guess thats what waking up
in the middle of the night do to you.
i brought you to the kitchen
sitting you down.
i made you a cup of hot chocolate
topped with mini marshmallows.
you liked it this way.
and gave them to you.
looking at you,
gulping it down.
a ghost of a smile
made its way up to my face.

" im sorry." i said.
it was barely audible
but you caught it.
"why would you be? " you looked at me
"...i......, i...." i looked down at my hands.
i could feel your gaze on me.
" d-do you want to stay the night? its already late.. " i offered.
" no its okay, i'll go after you fall asleep, i dont want to bother you. " you said with a smile.
no please stay
i wanted to say but i didnt.
you followed me up my room.
and you tucked me in
under my covers.
" please dont do that ever again. " you said.
" im sorry." i said again.
you stroked my hair.
until i eventually fell asleep.

there goes my resolution
of wanting to
bury the feelings i have for you.
it is impossible.

•SEVENTEEN JOSHUA HONG FANFICT•Where stories live. Discover now