Chapter 9 - "I'm Engaged."

Start from the beginning

A lot.

She rises from her position, not breaking eye contact as she smiles at me with outstretched arms. My stomach drops when I realize what's coming next, and not a second later, my suspicions are proved right when she cups my face and pulls me down, connecting her lips to mine.

We kiss.

My mouth stops working a second after our lips meet, because, oh ma gahd...her lips are so freakin' soft. I almost turn into a pile of mushy goo when she opens her mouth and moves her lips slowly against mine, almost as if she's unsure of what she's doing.

Like she hasn't done it before.

As if.

I get over my initial incapacity to move, when she darts her tongue out and licks the seam of my lips, feeling a jolt of awareness traveling through me like lightning. I shake my head and lean forward, cupping the back of her neck with one hand and letting my fingers tangle in her chocolate brown locks as I pull her closer, taking control of the kiss.

Nothing, or nobody I've kissed before, feels like what I'm doing now.

Not like I've kissed hundreds of girls or anything.

But still.

She nips at my tongue accidentally, but it just doesn't matter.

Because we're so lost into it, I barely register the slight pain.

People's loud cheers and 'Oohs' and 'Awws' fill my ears like a dull roar, the way you hear things when you're underwater. It's like the two of us are detached from it all. Like we're in our own world.

"Mmm." She breathes into my mouth, when my fingers caress the side of her neck, and she tries to deepen the kiss by delving her tongue into my mouth.

The usual warning bells don't go off on my head.

Instead, she elicits a moan from me, and as if to make me suffer further, she grabs fistfuls of my hair, tugging hard on it.

God, this girl will be the death of me.

A person coughs loudly somewhere in the background.

She sucks on my upper lip, and my knees buckle, almost letting me crash to the floor.

The person coughs even louder, and that's when it dawns on me that we're actually surrounded by hundreds of people.

I pull back quickly, removing my hands from around her and stepping back abruptly.

Alarice looks at me with an almost drunk look, with her eyelids drooping and mouth parted sensually.

I swallow, turning to the intruder.

It's freaking Kade.

He's standing there with both of his hands shoved deep into his pockets, rocking on his heels slightly with an obnoxious smirk stretching his lips.

"Your Father was getting uncomfortable," Kade shrugs, grinning mischievously.

"Father saw it?!" Alarice exclaims, looking at Kade with wide eyes, all blood draining from her face.

Oh no!

Kade jerks his thumb backwards and I scan the place to see that Mariano DeVega is nowhere in sight. But as my eyes wander upwards, they widen in shock when I see Mariano standing on the top of the stairs, with his arms crossed and a disapproving look in his eyes.

We're in a load of crap, with a capital 'C'.

"Fuck." Alarice curses, shoving her hands into her hair in frustration.

"Oh don't worry, Reeci. I've assured him that the two of you have never behaved in such manner, in public before. And, I told him that this is the first time this have ever happened, because it's 'The' Proposal." He shrugs, grinning cheekily.

Alarice blows out a sigh of relief, color slowly returning back to her face. "Goddess. Thank you so much, Kade! You are a life saver!"

Then she jumps forward and hugs him.

I avert my eyes.

Kade laughs at her, but hugs her back in a second. And then something strange happens. It's like he just realized something, because he starts coughing violently and then pushes her off him.

Alarice's brows crinkle together in confusion.

Kade is still coughing, bending over now.

What the fùck? He's acting like a TB patient.

Then Alarice seems to have some sort of realization as well, because suddenly, she's patting his back as if he's really suffering from the baddest cough—which we both know he isn't—and then yelling at someone to bring water.

"Xander! Jessica! C'mere! Take Kade to his room!"

What the hell is she doing? Doesn't she know that he's acting?

Two people around our age rush over obediently, with an almost reverent look on their faces as they execute Alarice's order. The quickly bend and put each of his hands around each of their shoulders, and then the three of them are out of sight.

My brows shoot up.

Alarice turns to me with a grin, clapping her hands together.

"You up for a drink?"

Exactly what I need right now.

★ ★ ★

Next update: Sunday [TOMORROW] :)

Pls don't forget to


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