The worst part?

She won't be just leaving her friends and family, she would be leaving Mitch for a second time. Only this time, her leaving is more permanent. She can't let that happen. She refuses to let that happen.

"Mitch," she whispered, putting her hand on her chest. She could feel her heartbeat and she can't believe her life will be coming to an end. "I love you so much. Don't you ever forget that."


"Do you think she is going to survive?"

"Of course. It's Alyssa we're talking about. She could do anything she sets her mind to. She will win."

Jessi nodded, believing Ben's word. The both of them refuse to believe that Alyssa could possibly be dying. She will be okay and everyone will be happy again. She will survive this tough stage in her life because she has done it before.

"Guys?" Tori asked softly, looking up from making breakfast. Ben nodded, looking over at the Beta. "Don't talk about that right now, okay? Right now we just new to stay positive. That's what Alyssa would want."

Jessi nodded and went back to coloring, a million thoughts running in their mind. What will become of Alyssa? Will she make some miraculous recovery and all will be well or would it end terribly? They wanted nothing more than for the first one to happen. Alyssa does not deserve this.

"Tori," Avi called out, Jordyn in his arms. Tori nodded as she put some pancakes on a plate. "I have to do some stuff. I'll be back in a couple hours or so ."

"Oh," Tori commented in a quiet voice, setting the pancakes down. "That's fine. I have to go to the hospital anyway. The patient that loves me wants to say bye to me because he's leaving today."

He...the a he?!!

"Do you like him?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Your patient!"

"Yeah, I guess. Why are you upset?"

"Because you like your patient!"

"So? Is there a rule that says I can't?"

"There sort of is when you are about to get married!"

"Avi, we haven't even started planning yet! Why are so worked up?"

"You like, no, love your patient!"

"I love all my patients!"

"Not more than this one! I feel like you're cheating on me!"

"Yeah, okay Avi! I'm cheating on you with some sixty year old man who was in a car accident a while back!"

Avi stopped arguing with his fiancée, dropping his jaw open. All this time, he thought that Tori was cheating on him when in reality, it was being paranoid.

Also jealous.

"I need to go now. Bye Avi."

Tori left, slamming the door shut. Avi looked at the ground, trying to figure out why he would ever accuse Tori of cheating.

What have I done?


Jake jumped when his phone rang, his heart beating quickly. He sighed in relief when he noticed that it was the Council and answered it quickly, hoping for an update.

"Did you find him?"

"Jake, we're sorry to inform you that Alexander Kirk is nowhere to be found."

"This has to be some kind of sick and twisted joke! You're lying to me!"

"We will never lie about this kind of stuff. Out next best option is to signal every town in California so they could help find him and if that fails, then we will go out of state. Until then, we apologize."

Jake hung up, his eyes glossy with tears. Where was Alex and what was up with this word behavior he developed suddenly? Why is he not sweet anymore?

"Alex, where are you?"

A/N: Again, let's hope that WattPad is smart this time and doesn't screw up. I'm so angry that happened yesterday, ugh. I'm also happy that it is the weekend. My brain needs some mental rest, haha. Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter and remember that I love you all.:)


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