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(Ross's POV)
(Chapter name Skylar. First word Ross irony,)
After I put Dottie in the car I called 9-11. Since they're not that far, they were there in about 3 minutes. I explain what happened. After I did that, the police come out of the house with the guy in handcuffs. Then the paramedics run in. They come out with Skylar on a stretcher. I called the guys and told them to go to the hospital. They agreed and I took Dottie to my house.
(Skylar's POV)
The guy put up a good fight. 3 minutes of us fighting, the police busted open the door. The guy kicked my knee and it buckled down. They took him out and the paramedics came in and put me on a stretcher in the ambulance.
(Ross's POV)
Dottie was still wrapped in the blanket. I picked her up and put her in me and Skylar's room. I walked over to Skylar's dresser. Since they're sisters, I thought they would be the same size. I grabbed underwear, a bra, shirt, and pants. I put them on my bed and closed the door

Walk. (A Sequel To Run... A Max X Reader And A Sequel To My Savior A Skydoesmin)Where stories live. Discover now