The Kiss

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Chapter 6: The Kiss

The bell rang marking the end of the school day for that particular Monday, the students inside the chemistry lab made sounds of relief and while they picked up their things they started talking and weren't able to hear what ever the poor teacher was trying to say.

Regina Mills said goodbye to her table partner and walked out of the door. Outside she saw Emma Swan with her friends (Emilie, Ruby and Mary Margaret), she decided to approach them. "Hey" she said with a shy smile.

Emma's friends faked a small smile back and Emma smiled genuinely. "Hey" the blonde replied.

"Are you free for the afternoon?" Regina asked her, a bit tense because of Emma's friends' killing eyes pointed at her.

"Yeah well, there's debate club so free free as in completely free I'm not, but you aren't either so we can spend our free-less afternoon together as we usually do?"

Regina smiled at the girl's answer and nodded. "Good, I'll see you in some minutes at the door?"


Regina walked away and heard how Emma's friends walked to get closer to Emma and started talking. She avoided listening to the conversation and simply went to her locker where her own friends were waiting for her. She sighed in relief. "Thank God you guys are here" she said and hugged Graham tightly.

"Woah, what's up princess?" he asked laughing and hugging her back.

"Emma's friends are so annoying, they hate me because they have this idea that I'm, we are 'breaking their friendship' by spending some time with Emma" she stepped back and opened her locker to get out the things she needed.

"Well, talk to her" Rose said. "You have some time alone today at lunch, right?"

"Yes, I will" Regina closed her locker loudly and started walking, her friends followed. "I just don't understand what's the point on wanting her to be sticked to them like a... sticker" she said angrily. "It annoys me so much, I mean, Emma is allowed to have more friends if that is what she wants and that doesn't mean that she's going to stop loving her older friends!"

"That's true, but don't worry Gina, it'll be ok, they have to get used to it sooner or later because school year has still a lot to go and at least I pretend to keep being friends with Emma" Rose told her when they reached the school's main door.

"Anyway, this is us here. Have fun on debate club while we do our history homework" Graham said.

"Sure, have a good time, I'll call you later"

Graham and Rose got out and climbed down the couple steps that lead them to the street. Regina waited some minutes until she saw Emma getting near.

"Hey" she said and then looked at the brunette with more care. "Regina, why are you just carrying a small bag?"

"Oh" Regina gasped. "I forgot to tell you, sort of lied because I was scared of your friends. There's no debate club today but Graham and Rose are busy and I really don't want to go home because I could use two hours without my mother's presence so I was going to ask you if you didn't mind staying with me and just talk or something"

Emma blushed lightly and smiled. "Sure, sounds like a good idea. Granny's?"


They walked together the few meters to the diner in silence, grabbed a table, ordered and stared at each other's eyes.

"So... your friends" Regina started. "I suppose it's them who you had plans with on Saturday morning?"

"Yeah it went good" Emma smiled. "Sorry really sorry for what happened back there on the chemistry classroom. Ugh I hate having friends that are girls" she said. "Don't get me wrong, I love them and I love you and Rose but my friends are sometimes a headache. I can't be with anyone else, I can't make new friends, can't speak. So annoying that they want me to be all the time stuck to them"

Regina's First TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon